Help please with formula



I have in Work Book A, four cols, (Date,Details,Credits,Debits) which
constant and rows which are added to every day.
In WB B colA I would like a formula which enters the date and in colC
either Debit or Credit, provided that certain criteria are met. e.g if
the entry under Details (WB A) says Mr Johns then the date of that
entry and the Credit amount would appear in WB B, colA being for the
date and colC for the amount
I hope this makes sense and that someone can help.


Fred Smith

My guess is you probably want VLOOKUP. If 'Mr Johns' is in the Details column of
both WB A and WB B, under the Credit column you would use:

=vlookup(b1,'[Workbook A]!Sheet1'!B:D,2,false)

Debit column would be:

=vlookup(b1,'[Workbook A]!Sheet1'!B:D,3,false)

Getting the date is more problematic, so post back if this helps or not, and we
can go from there.

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