Help please with junk e-mails


John C

I have set up outlook 2000 to send unwanted mails to a folder names Junk e
mails, I have copied below part of the outlook 2000 help file, can anyone
tell me exactly where I can find add in filters as I cannot find them

You can also filter messages based on a list of e-mail addresses of junk and
adult content senders. There are third party filters, which are regularly
updated, that you can add to Outlook. These filters have the latest lists of
commercial and adult content senders. For more information, see the Outlook
Web site at

Thanks in advance



I have outlook 2000 also. The junk and adult content
senders lists are txt files. Look in
Data\Microsoft\Outlook I believe you can add more to
the lists but I have never found the filters they speak of
either. Maybe someone else will know.

I gave up and got the Free Mail Washer Pro download at It allows you to delete the
spam while it is still on the server. I was able to import
spam filters (they tell where) that someone made which
catch things like blank subject lines, s p a c e d subject
lines, invalid headers, etc - things I would have no idea
how to filter for! I tried several other similar programs
but they could not handle all the email I get with my 20+
accounts. On one it took me over two hours to just
download from the server in fits and spurts before I could
delete them and download my good email into outlook!

I do still use Outlook filters to catch the odd one that
slips through, and to send the mail I expect into folders
for each. I have never understool people with only an
inbox. I have, for example, a family folder with folders
for each relative in it. Makes it real quick to find them

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

They fibbed...there are no updates available for the filters for Outlook
2000. You can take a look at
for some other ideas, but in the end you might be happier if you install a
3rd party spam prevention program like MailWasher or IHateSpam...or upgrade
to Outlook 2003, which has vastly improved spam filtering features.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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