Help please



Win Xp Pr0
Office Xp

I have created a workbook for recording scores at my bowls club.
The MAIN worksheet is where I would appreciate help in automating the MAX
score entry for each column entries.
Col. A = all members names.
Cols. B : AZ18 = cells for entering each score.
Col. BD has a formula I use for generating the MAX score in each
Col.(=Sumproduct(--(A4:G4=$A$67:$G67)), I obtained gratefully from this
I am also using conditional formatting from B4:AZ65, which highlights the
MAX score in each column.(=B4=MAX(B$:B65)).
I have to adjust the Sumproduct formula (G4 ...alter to col H4 and so on),
each time I start a new col.otherwise it fails to enter the number of WIN/s
against the respective MAX scorer/s.
Am I able to automate this particular area please.
Hope I have explained sufficiently for you ?


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