Help Please



I have a macro that I need to input data into Footers on worksheets, I am
having a problem to begin with saying script out of range, any help, I also
need this this macro to run automatic when the document is opened, is this at
all possible, please have a look at my code and revise if needed. I have a
beforesave eveny operating in this workbook so before save is not an option
unless I can call this macro before save like I do with protect sheets.

Many Many thanks


Sub PageSetUp()
Dim SH1 As Object
Dim SH2 As Object
With Me
Set SH1 = .Sheets("Sheet3")
Set SH2 = .Sheets("Sheet8")
End With
SH1.PageSetUp.RightFooter = Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy")
SH2.PageSetUp.RightFooter = "Relief Shifts " & Format(Now,
End Sub


This worked for me using sheet 1 and 2, so if you have a sheet 3 and sheet 8
it should work for you.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim SH1 As Object
Dim SH2 As Object
With ActiveWorkbook
Set SH1 = .Sheets("Sheet3")
Set SH2 = .Sheets("Sheet8")
End With
SH1.PageSetUp.RightFooter = Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy")
SH2.PageSetUp.RightFooter = "Relief Shifts " & Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy")
End Sub


Hi, I have the code in the workbook not individual sheets it is returning
subscript out of range at Set SH1 = .Sheets("Sheet3")



Its OK I fixed it, Sheets are named instead of being sheet 3 and sheet 8

Sorry and Many thanks


It is telling you that you don't have a sheet named "Sheet3", or at least it
can't find one named that. The easy way is to give the sheets you want to
work with a specific name like DayShift and ReliefShift, then change the
reference in your code accordingly.

Gary Keramidas

my guess is that you changed the sheet name and the codename is sheet3, but i
don't know for sure.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim SH1 As Object
Dim SH2 As Object
With ActiveWorkbook
Set SH1 = Sheet3
Set SH2 = .Sheets("Sheet8")
End With
SH1.PageSetUp.RightFooter = Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy")
SH2.PageSetUp.RightFooter = "Relief Shifts " & Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy")
End Sub

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