Help Please



I am trying to create a form for my teachers to use to keep track of student
behavior. The form has 7 periods (one for each class period) and 7 areas in
which the child will be scored. So a 7x7 or 8x8 table, I want the teachers
to be able to score the kids in the 7 areas for each period and be available
(on-line) so that each of his/her next teachers can give their scores. The
totals for each criteria/period would tally based on the assigned score.
Then a daily total would be tallied taking the totals from each period and
adding them together. I am assuming that it would have to be based on a
server to give teachers access to input the information. Can someone give me
a direction to start building this? I have the summer to experiment and work
on it. Can I use Access, or can I design a form using infopath and have data
saved into excel? I would appreciate someone getting me started and I will
be able to get along from there

D. Dobbs

Brian Robichaud

DUNNER7 said:
I am trying to create a form for my teachers to use to keep track of student
behavior. The form has 7 periods (one for each class period) and 7 areas in
which the child will be scored. So a 7x7 or 8x8 table, I want the teachers
to be able to score the kids in the 7 areas for each period and be available
(on-line) so that each of his/her next teachers can give their scores. The
totals for each criteria/period would tally based on the assigned score.
Then a daily total would be tallied taking the totals from each period and
adding them together. I am assuming that it would have to be based on a
server to give teachers access to input the information. Can someone give me
a direction to start building this? I have the summer to experiment and work
on it. Can I use Access, or can I design a form using infopath and have data
saved into excel? I would appreciate someone getting me started and I will
be able to get along from there

D. Dobbs

I'd do the whole thing in Excel if I were you. Look at "Share Workbook",
drop the file up on a server share where all teachers can access it. If you
want to get fancy, you can give the teachers a data-entry Excel spreadsheet
that populates the main one, but I don't think I'd go that route unless you
need to hide what teachers score each kid from each other.

Susan Ramlet

I agree that Excel might be a good solution, but it might be harder to build
an easy form for the teachers to use for input.

I would seriously consider Access or InfoPath; Access requires some runtime
or the Access client for people to use the forms.

InfoPath is a fantastic option, also. It may be more than you want to get
into, but it's really simple to design forms and aggregate them in Excel.

It really depends on your situation, comfort level, etc.

Susan Ramlet
MVP - Office

Please reply to the newsgroup. I cannot respond to private requests for
help. Besides, then the community doesn't benefit from your question!

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