ainese said:
Service will always be equal to a minimum of basic so the options are:
Basic & Tracking
Basic & Data Push
Basic & 100MB
Basic & 500MB
Basic & Tracking & Data Push
Basic & Tracking & 100MB
Basic & Tracking & 500MB
It looks as if "Basic" is always present if one of the other services are
present, is that the case?
There are other services but this was the part of the code I was
having most difficulty with.
How do I code only equal to Basic & Tracking?
I tried adding the word Tracking but it isn't working...
SELECT Count(*) AS ["Basic Activations"]
WHERE SUBSCR_TYPE="Service Activation"
HAVING MAX(SERVICE)=( "Basic" AND "Tracking" )
This cannot work: MAX(SERVICE) will never be BOTH "Basic" AND "Tracking" at
the same time. It can be one or the other, but not both.
In addition, even if it is true that Basic will always be present if
Tracking (or any of the other service types) is present, you cannot use this
MAX approach - in Text columns, numbers sort before alpha characters in Jet.
So I'm surprised that you are getting the right answer with my suggested
query. If ESNs with either 100MB or 500MB were present, they would have been
counted among the results of that first suggestion I offered. Given that you
are sure you got the correct results from your data, I can only conclude
that there were no ESNs with both "Basic" and either 100MB or 500MB in your
data when you ran the query.
There are two approaches to this problem:
A. Use the second suggestion I offered. Generically:
1. create a query that returns the distinct ESNs that don't meet your
desired criteria
2. in a second query, use NOT IN, or NOT EXISTS, or a frustrated outer
join to return the distinct ESNs from Data that aren't in the resultset from
the first query.
3.then count the records returned by the second query.
B. This is a little slicker, in that it's data-driven, but it requires you
to become comfortable with bitwise comparisons. It wil only work if there
are fewer than 32 possible service types. Basically, it involves assigning
codes that correspond to the digit values in a binary number. From the
right, the digits represent 1,2,4,8,16,... Notice how the value of each
digit is obtained by doubling the previous digit.
When a digit is 0, it is thought of as "off". When 1, it is "on". Looking at
the 5 rightmost columns, this is how it plays out when only a single digit
is "on"
decimal binary comment
0 ... 00000 no bits are "on"
1 ... 00001 the 1-bit is "on"
2 ... 00010 the 2-bit is "on"
4 ... 00100 the 4-bit is "on"
8 ... 01000 the 8-bit is "on"
16 ... 10000 the 16-bit is "on"
So, if we assign 0 to Basic, 1 to Tracking, and 2 to Data Push, here is how
it plays out with your original sample data:
ESN |Subscriber Type|Service Type | ServiceBit
123 | Activation | Basic | 0
123 | Activation | Tracking | 1
123 | Activation | Data Push | 2
Sum 3
234 | Renewal | Basic | 0
234 | Renewal | Tracking | 1
234 | Renewal | Data Push | 2
Sum 3
345 | Activation | Basic | 0
Sum 0
567 | Activation | Basic | 0
567 | Activation | Tracking | 1
Sum 1
678 | Renewal | Basic | 0
678 | Renewal | Data Push | 2
Sum 2
789 | Activation | Basic | 0
789 | Activation | Tracking | 1
Sum 1
I've added the summary rows to illustrate what I am planning. You determine
the combination of all service types for an ESN by summing the bit values
assigned to each. As you can see, when the sum is 0, only Basic exists. When
1, Basic and Tracking exist. When 2, Basic and Data Push exist. When 3, all
three exist. I will leave it as an exercise for you to work out what happens
with 100MB and 500MB
So, the steps you need to perform are:
1. Create a ServiceTypes table with two columns: SERVICE (Text) and
ServiceBit (Number - Long)
a. The SERVICE column should be the primary key
2. Enter the service types and bit values per above:
Basic 0
Tracking 1
Data Push 2
3. Create a saved query that joins Data to ServiceTypes, groups by ESN
and sums the bit values for each ESN. You might need three of these, one for
Renewals, one for Activations, and another for both. Here is the sql for the
Activation results query (qServiceBitSumActivation):
SELECT ESN, SUM(ServiceBit) As ServiceBitSum
FROM Data As d JOIN ServiceTypes As t
WHERE SUBSCR_TYPE="Service Activation"
4 Use the saved query as the source for a query that counts the results:
Basic Only:
SELECT Count(*) As BasicCount
FROM qServiceBitSumActivation
WHERE ServiceBitSum = 0
Basic and Tracking:
SELECT Count(*) As BasicAndTrackingCount
FROM qServiceBitSumActivation
WHERE ServiceBitSum = 1
Do you see why I said this was slicker? Evey question you want to ask is
answered by a variation of this simple query. This is the solution I have
used in similar situations and I can attest to its effectiveness.
Bob Barrows