Help pls Bibliography design



I am totally new and lost in access! This is probably piece of cake for many but I'm frustrated!! I am trying to buil a DB for my articles I want to enter a category, the authors first & last names, title, source, volume, number, page xx to page xx, the Abstract, and some key words. I need to be able to seach by keywords or category etc. I just can't build it .... the abstact is in 1 line, i can't figure how to get a capital letter and the rest just lower case with no restriction in size, I need specific design for ex. the page numbers shold look like pp 137-144 etc. I like to have a "form" where i can just input all the fields (if possible) Is there a place i can get such a template or please somebody can help!!
I need the same type of DB for plant species....

John Vinson

I am totally new and lost in access! This is probably piece of cake for many but I'm frustrated!! I am trying to buil a DB for my articles I want to enter a category, the authors first & last names, title, source, volume, number, page xx to page xx, the Abstract, and some key words. I need to be able to seach by keywords or category etc. I just can't build it .... the abstact is in 1 line, i can't figure how to get a capital letter and the rest just lower case with no restriction in size, I need specific design for ex. the page numbers shold look like pp 137-144 etc. I like to have a "form" where i can just input all the fields (if possible) Is there a place i can get such a template or please somebody can help!!
I need the same type of DB for plant species....

This is actually a fairly complex type of application. One possibility
would be to purchase one of the many excellent existing bibliography
applications, such as EndNote. You'll get the advantage of many
person-years of customization and design for this need (and such
things as being able to generate WORD-ready references in the style of
any of thousands of scientific journals).

It can be written in Access but as I say it would be a good bit of

As for your plant species database - could you post some more detail?
Just what should this database do?


Thank you for the info on End Note, I am a student and I'm just trying to start my little bibliorhaphy..
As for the other DB I like to input Algae and Macrophyte species common name, latin name, general info, specific info, general location (for Canada) specific location (that I pick) and 3 or 4 other fileds that I could need as things go on. I'm really frustrated I hear that it's easy etc. but what when you're not familiar with computers and a real newby..
I appreciate any help and advice and if any templates exist (free would be great :eek:) )
Thank you very much

John Vinson

Thank you for the info on End Note, I am a student and I'm just trying to start my little bibliorhaphy...

There are several such programs; EndNote is just one that I happened
to remember. Try a google search for "bibliography software" and
compare features and price. IIRC a number of these programs have
student discounts (they want to get you hooked early... said:
As for the other DB I like to input Algae and Macrophyte species common name, latin name, general info, specific info, general location (for Canada) specific location (that I pick) and 3 or 4 other fileds that I could need as things go on. I'm really frustrated I hear that it's easy etc. but what when you're not familiar with computers and a real newby..!
I appreciate any help and advice and if any templates exist (free would be great :eek:) )
Thank you very much

You may need two or three tables. here. In a relational database, you
should identify each "Entity" - real-life person, thing, event or
place. In this case I could imagine several tables:

SpeciesID <there are online taxonomic databases>
LatinName <the binomial>
<other info as needed>

Region <e.g. province or "Northern Quebec" or whatever>

Regions <lookup table listing the regions you want to use>

SpeciesID <what species was observed>
LocationID <where>
Notes <memo field perhaps>


Hi John
First thank you for your time, I appreciate. So after all it is not going to be so easy! You are right it looks like i will need to build several tables and then figure out how to get them to work togethe .... oh oh!
I will start my first table!
Also I found a little program for the bibliography, might interest you and other people it is called BiblioExpress free version of Biblioscape and it is at
Once agin thank you, I definitively will check back here

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