I am totally new and lost in access! This is probably piece of cake for many but I'm frustrated!! I am trying to buil a DB for my articles I want to enter a category, the authors first & last names, title, source, volume, number, page xx to page xx, the Abstract, and some key words. I need to be able to seach by keywords or category etc. I just can't build it .... the abstact is in 1 line, i can't figure how to get a capital letter and the rest just lower case with no restriction in size, I need specific design for ex. the page numbers shold look like pp 137-144 etc. I like to have a "form" where i can just input all the fields (if possible) Is there a place i can get such a template or please somebody can help!!
I need the same type of DB for plant species....
I am totally new and lost in access! This is probably piece of cake for many but I'm frustrated!! I am trying to buil a DB for my articles I want to enter a category, the authors first & last names, title, source, volume, number, page xx to page xx, the Abstract, and some key words. I need to be able to seach by keywords or category etc. I just can't build it .... the abstact is in 1 line, i can't figure how to get a capital letter and the rest just lower case with no restriction in size, I need specific design for ex. the page numbers shold look like pp 137-144 etc. I like to have a "form" where i can just input all the fields (if possible) Is there a place i can get such a template or please somebody can help!!
I need the same type of DB for plant species....