Help printing from Excel




I have payroll data - 1 row per month on worksheet 1. At the moment I copy
and paste individual cells into sheet 2 (laid out to look like a payslip) and
then print it. This means I either need loads of worksheets or can't save
the data from the previous month. Is there a function that will print the
row I ask in a predefined format, including standard data (ie name, payroll
number etc)? So if someone tells me in September they have lost their July
payslip I can reprint it using the July info, including the totals in row 14
that have changed by my adding August pay info.

Thanks for any suggestions!


Thank you for the reply Don. I've looked at Data>filter>autofilter but can't
get that to do what I need. Maybe there is another side to autofilter that I
don't know about. All I can get it to do is find a particular row - for
example April - it doesn't help me to print it in a different layout. Any
other ideas?

Don Guillett

Can't tell too much without seeing the project. Send me a workbook if

Don Guillett

These two formulas probably do what you want to match the month & running

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