Help? Printing subforms with the Main form




I have a main form and subform where the main form shows
the one side and the sub the "many" side.

When I select the record i want in the main form it pulls
all the records up on the "many side" just fine. But When
i choose print it does not print them together. It prints
the main record on the main side on page and a record from
the many side that is not related main record on another
page. However when i'm looking at it on the screen i see
the main record i want with the correct child record on
it. I tried using the "selected record(s)" on the print
window but it does not print what i want.

Question: How do you print a main form together with one
of the child records on one page, (I'll even take 2 pages
so long as the child record is the one i'm trying to get).

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