Karl Schmidt
I have a macro that currently creates 800+ custom 2-page
reports for different vendors off a large database. The
first two tabs in my workbook represent the first and
second page of each report. The macro goes through the
list of 800 vendors, grabs the data that pertains to them
(located on different tabs of the workbook), places it in
an area that produces the graphs and summary charts for
that vendor, prints that vendor's report, erases the data
in the form, and proceeds to the next vendor.
I have been asked to produce PDF files for each vendor
instead of paper copies. I thought this would be an easy
conversion, but when the printer is set to PDF, a new
dialog box opens when the following code executes:
'Print page 1
Sheets("Report 1").Select
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1,
'Print page 2
Sheets("Report 2").Select
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1,
The dialog box is titled "Save PDF File As" and it
defaults to naming the PDF file with the first prefex as
the excel file. I can easily change that, except I can't
find any macro syntax that can either bypass this dialog
box by naming the file directly. I also can't figure out
how to write code that will accept the default file name
that is offered in this dialog box. I suspect that the
dialog box has been created by Adobe, but they can't help
me. This issue here is automation--I don't want someone
sitting at a computer pressing "yes" 800 times to accept
the default when I should be able to set a few parameters
within the subroutine and then walk away for four hours.
Any ideas?
I already approached Adobe thinking they would have
encountered this issue before, but they had no
reports for different vendors off a large database. The
first two tabs in my workbook represent the first and
second page of each report. The macro goes through the
list of 800 vendors, grabs the data that pertains to them
(located on different tabs of the workbook), places it in
an area that produces the graphs and summary charts for
that vendor, prints that vendor's report, erases the data
in the form, and proceeds to the next vendor.
I have been asked to produce PDF files for each vendor
instead of paper copies. I thought this would be an easy
conversion, but when the printer is set to PDF, a new
dialog box opens when the following code executes:
'Print page 1
Sheets("Report 1").Select
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1,
'Print page 2
Sheets("Report 2").Select
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1,
The dialog box is titled "Save PDF File As" and it
defaults to naming the PDF file with the first prefex as
the excel file. I can easily change that, except I can't
find any macro syntax that can either bypass this dialog
box by naming the file directly. I also can't figure out
how to write code that will accept the default file name
that is offered in this dialog box. I suspect that the
dialog box has been created by Adobe, but they can't help
me. This issue here is automation--I don't want someone
sitting at a computer pressing "yes" 800 times to accept
the default when I should be able to set a few parameters
within the subroutine and then walk away for four hours.
Any ideas?
I already approached Adobe thinking they would have
encountered this issue before, but they had no