HELP... Problem with making a template...!



To anyone who can think of a solution, I would be greatly

I have a document I am creating as a template. In that template, I
need two SEPARATE "columns" or areas (not columns that flow one to the
other). Lets call them Column A and Column B. Column A will flow from
page to page, same as normal. The other, Column B, is a notes column
that needs to appear on every page. Column B doesn't need to flow from
one page to the next, but needs to be on every page.

So far, I have set up the header and the footer stuff, and Column A is
set up. What I am having trouble setting up is the "Column B" on the
side of the page. I tried a table, but the issue of when people press
the tab button makes it unworkable in that way. I haven't yet found a
way to have word make a text box appear on every page when you start
to type a new page. I hope there is a way to do that. Please help! I
would ususally use a layout program to do this, but it needs to be a
word template for anyone to use in the business.




it didn't really help. I know how to snake the columns, but that isn't
the issue.

I ended up doing the document with a side area reserved for text
boxes. the user would have to manually make a text box for each note
in that area. The main area is formed by making the page width smaller
so it doesn't go in to the reserved area.

thanks for the try!


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