Help! project created from template problem!


Daniel Lee

I adopt to develop application integrate with project server.
I could create project by template in code.
The problem is that the generated project only could be accessed by
I would like to allow project manager to get the generated project
file from professional.
Did I loose any thing when I create project by template ?
I check the PDS reference document but did not find the solution yet.
May be I miss something.
Did anyone get the experience?
Any comment will be very appreciated.

Daniel Lee

Ray McCoppin

You have to set the owner of the project to the PM that needs access to it,
or assign the PM to the project. Their way the PM should be able to open the
project after this.

Daniel Lee

Thanks Ray:

I change the project owner correctly from PWA but How could I
assign project owner from coding?
The following is PDS Create Project syntex:
-- Other project details --
Should I assign poject owner by way of this API?


Ray McCoppin

I have done this by changing the owner after creating the project like this:
using PDS calls

Check out the project
like this


change the owner field:
notice that column UID of 99999 is Owner and the ValueUID is the res_euid of
the new owner from the database.


Check the project back in...

I am not sure if the CreateProject will take the owner field.



If possible, could you please help me understand the process you went
through to connect to your project server through the pds? I would like to
do the same. What documentation did you use to assist in the creation?


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