Janet A. Thompson
I want chapter 3
Heading 1 to look like 3.1 Name
Heading 2 to look like 3.1.1 Name
Heading 3 to look like Name
What I used to do in 2003, was to go into Heading 1 and stay there and set
up all the other heading levels. But there is no way to do that.
What I need to fix now, since I've played around with it, it looks like this
3.1.1 that really should be 3.1.2
When I look at my menu bar I see 1.1 Heading 1, 3.1.1 Heading 2 so how can
I fix this? and what is proper way in 2007 to set this up?
Heading 1 to look like 3.1 Name
Heading 2 to look like 3.1.1 Name
Heading 3 to look like Name
What I used to do in 2003, was to go into Heading 1 and stay there and set
up all the other heading levels. But there is no way to do that.
What I need to fix now, since I've played around with it, it looks like this
3.1.1 that really should be 3.1.2
When I look at my menu bar I see 1.1 Heading 1, 3.1.1 Heading 2 so how can
I fix this? and what is proper way in 2007 to set this up?