Help...Q re. Save as Web Page


Arthur Shapiro

I'm the webmaster for a bicycle club. It might be a nice idea to have each
day's route sheets, formulated as Excel spreadsheets, available on the web
site in advance. The route sheets are designed to fit nicely two-up on
portrait 8.5x11 paper, and are simply sliced in half after printing.

So in looking around Excel, I found a rather obvious menu item for Save as Web
Page. Just what I needed- a simple solution to the problem at hand.

Alas, it isn't working as I expected. The resultant html file shows the
data in a much bigger font than in the original .xls file. Print Preview in
the browser shows that it would take three pages to print what was intended to
print on one physical page.

Has anyone fought this battle before? Is there some obvious (or non-obvious)
manner of causing the saved html file to conform to the font size of the
original Excel document, either when being saved or even after-the-fact?

Appreciate any guidance.

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