Help re Join Conditions required please




I am building a database to manage prospective candidates against roles. One
of the problems I am having is in the "candidate record" form that i created,
I have an embedded "continuous forms" Subform that should show all the
candidates related to the role displayed in the main form. When more than one
candidate is allocated to a role only one candidate appears in the subform. I
think the problem my rest with the Join Conditions between my "Candidates"
and "Roles" Tables?.

The joins I am looking for need to be one to many ie multiple candidates can
be related to one role. The join I have is based around "RM Number" in Roles
(being the primary key and an "Autonumber") and the "related role 01, 02 etc"
fields in Candidates.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as have been working on this problem
for a few days now.

Kind regards,


If I understand what you said the relations is one-to-many from Role primary
key to multiple fields in Candidates.

How did you set a relation from one field to multiple fields?

John Vinson


I am building a database to manage prospective candidates against roles. One
of the problems I am having is in the "candidate record" form that i created,
I have an embedded "continuous forms" Subform that should show all the
candidates related to the role displayed in the main form. When more than one
candidate is allocated to a role only one candidate appears in the subform. I
think the problem my rest with the Join Conditions between my "Candidates"
and "Roles" Tables?.

The joins I am looking for need to be one to many ie multiple candidates can
be related to one role. The join I have is based around "RM Number" in Roles
(being the primary key and an "Autonumber") and the "related role 01, 02 etc"
fields in Candidates.

Please post a description of your table structures and indicate how
the tables are related. I am worried that you may have *fields* in
Candidates named Related Role 01, Related Role 02 and so on. If so,
that's the source of your problem: this is "committing spreadsheet" by
embedding a one-to-many relationship within each record! Apologies if
I'm misreading this, but do post your structure!

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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