Help Recurring task


Glen Mettler

I have 3 recurring tasks. How can I programmatically:
1 identify each of these tasks
2 count the number of subordinate tasks in each one
3 change the Start and/or End by dates in each one
4 capture each subordinate task index in each one



1) Not sure what you mean. Are you wanting to identify any recurring task or
just these three. Probably you want to identify them using some sort of
2) If the recurring task was the first task in the project you would do
something like this:
3) See my macro which does this
4) What do you mean by the task index? Task ID? If t is the parent task you
would do something like:
for each task in t.outlinechildren
msgbox task.ID
next task

Glen Mettler

Thanks Jack,
I have 3 recurring tasks
Task 4A counts down to a launch event ie Launch -x days (-44, -43, -42 etc)
Task 4B counts down to another launch event - same
Task Running days counts up to the total number of days. (1,2,3 etc)

The top 3 tasks would look like this (with task bars)
Task 4A -42 -41 -40 -39 -39 -37...
Task 4B -60 -59 -58 -57 -56 -55...
Running Days 1 2 3 4 5 6.....
The remaining tasks are specific to each launch linked appropriately

I use a daily calendar and roll these up into single day events and create a
formula in user fields Number 1,2,3 to create the numbers and then I display
the numbers in the rolled up task bars.

In the Deadline field I enter the Date for the launch this pushes/pulls
everything else. If there aren't enough tasks in the reccurring tasks, it
creates new ones.

What a want to do is to create a user form that will allow the user to enter
the Deadline for each Recurring task and then go to the recurring task,
enter the Deadline and then fill down. Also fill down the formulas in user
field Number 1,2,3 and set the rollup flag to yes so they will be rolled up.

The opposite is also true, if the Deadline is earlier, I need to hide the
subordinate tasks.

The customer had a hand-drawn schedule with the Launch-minus days along with
Running Days in boxes at the top. He wanted to know if I could create
something like that in Project. After some thought, I came up with this

ps - if you are interested, I will send you a copy

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