help screen



is there a special way to close the help screen in word, once i access it.
I don't see any keys to close it.



i don't see a close box.
Jolly Roger said:
You mean besides clicking the close box at the top-left corner of the

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Daiya Mitchell

Assuming you aren't on windows--a few people in MacWord have reported
the Help screen being jammed under the toolbar or off screen, hiding the
close box. And it doesn't respond to the key commands.

If yours is hidden, try futzing with the System Preferences--change the
screen resolution in Displays, which will force everything to rearrange
itself. Then you should be able to drag the Help back into a better spot.

JE McGimpsey

Meg said:
i'm asking on behalf of my brother who is on a mac and hates dealing with
all of this

One solution:

With all Office application closed, delete the

file (where ~ is his home folder). This will reset the Help window
location the next time an Office app is started.


thanks, it worked!!!
i scored brownie points for with my brother...always a good thing.

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