I have a whole spreadsheet full of fields similiar to the following
10:00AM 12:15PM 2:25PM 4:40PM 7:00PM 9:20PM 10:00PM
12:20PM 2:25PM 4:30PM 7:15PM
10:00AM 12:30PM 2:45PM 9:15PM
10:40AM 1:10PM 5:00PM 7:20PM 9:35PM
I need to convert all times to 24 hour, and drop the AM & PM.
The later is easy, but how do I do a quick Search & Replace without
incorrectly converting 10:**AM to 22:** etc.
Any tips would be appreciated.
I have a whole spreadsheet full of fields similiar to the following
10:00AM 12:15PM 2:25PM 4:40PM 7:00PM 9:20PM 10:00PM
12:20PM 2:25PM 4:30PM 7:15PM
10:00AM 12:30PM 2:45PM 9:15PM
10:40AM 1:10PM 5:00PM 7:20PM 9:35PM
I need to convert all times to 24 hour, and drop the AM & PM.
The later is easy, but how do I do a quick Search & Replace without
incorrectly converting 10:**AM to 22:** etc.
Any tips would be appreciated.