Help - Security Issue - File already in Use



I've put this question in here before, but have not resolved my problem. I
have a split database, with the back end out on a server. The front end is
on all user's individual PC's. The problem I'm having is if more than one
person tries to open the database, they receive an error message saying
"Cannot access the FILENAME, file already in use." What do I do? I have
done a lot of research on this, but have not come up with a solution.

thank you,

Rick B

Sounds like your users do not have full permission to the folder in which
the database lives.

In order to properly handle the locking file, they need to be able to read,
write, delete, and modify the files in that folder.

Make sure all your users have FULL permission to the folder.



Thanks, but when you say I need to make sure they have full rights to the
folder, you mean the folder with the back end that is out on the server?
Because I had requested that they have read/write permissions to that folder.
So that's not correct?


Rick B

I believe they need full permissions. I will see if an MVP jumps in here to
confirm, but I'm pretty sure that is the case - they will need delete as
well. The reason is that a locking file is created when the first user
opens the file. So that user has to add a file. The next user has to be
able to update that file when they open the database. The last user in the
file has to be able to delete the locking file when they close the

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