Help simplifying a SUMPRODUCT formula


David Lipetz

The following SUMPRODUCT formula produces the correct results but I'm
reasonably certain that there must be a more efficient way of constructing
the formula. There are basically two components to this formula separated by
the + sign. Each component performs the same calculation: the first part for
Class="MS" and the second part (after the +) for Class="MSTV". Isn't there a
way to construct the formula so that it would be calculated for Class="MS"
OR Class="MSTV" and eliminate the need for two steps? I tried to incorporate
the OR formula within the SUMPRODUCT formula but was unsuccessful.




David Lipetz

Outstanding! Thank you.

If you have a moment, care to explain the logic with the formula? I've
looked at the Help files for MATCH and am not quite sure why this works.
Once I understand the logic, I won't have to ask again.

Thanks again,

T. Valko


Let's assume Class = A1:A5

A1 = MS
A2 = XX
A4 = MS
A5 = XX

MATCH returns the relative position of the lookup_value within the
lookup_array if it matches a value in the lookup_array.

Class contains the lookup_values and {"MS","MSTV"} is the lookup_array.

A1 (MS) matches MS in the lookup_array and MS is in position 1 of the
lookup_array so:

MATCH(A1,{"MS","MSTV"},0) = 1

A2 (XX) does not match any value in the lookup_array so:

MATCH(A2,{"MS","MSTV"},0) = #N/A

A3 (MSTV) matches MSTV in the lookup_array and MSTV is in position 2 of the
lookup_array so:

MATCH(A3,{"MS","MSTV"},0) = 2

MATCH(Class,{"MS","MSTV"},0) passes the array of these values to ISNUMBER:


ISNUMBER evaluates each element of that array to see if it is a number. If
it is, it evaluates to TRUE and if it doesn't it evalutes to FALSE:


The double unary "--" then coerces these logicals to either 1 or 0 which
SUMPRODUCT needs to work:



David Lipetz

Once again, I thank you. A well written explanation that makes perfect
sense. This will be very helpful!


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