Help split worksheet


Carolina Girl

I’m having problems with asking this question correctly so please bare with
me…. In my workbook I have a worksheet titled “CMG SA Master†and six other
sheets “test1â€,†test2â€,†test3†etc… now on worksheet “CMG SA Master†I
have columns 1 to 300 (this may grow) and rows A:p (this will not grow).
What I need is a Macro that will look at A2 and if it has an “x†in it past
the information in A2:p2 into worksheet “test1†if not look at B2 if it has
an “x†then do the same on worksheet “test2†if not continue on 4 more time
(C2 – test3, D2 test4 etc…) now it can have an x in A2 and B2 I would need it
to show up on both sheets “test 1 and “Test2â€. Then go down to the next row
and do the same. See example
2 x x x Processing Joy
3 x x x accounts

Header row has already been set up on all the sheets row 1. Please help I
was asked to completed this by noon and that did not happen…. Thanks in


A macro could do this, but if you want to do it on you lunch break you could
try filtering. On Sheet "CMG SA Master" activate cell A1. Then
<Data><Filter><AutoFilter>. Then in the dropdown in cell A1 select "X".
Copy the resulting rows to Sheet "test1".
Clear the selection in column A by selecting all. Repeat with columns B
through F.

I hope this helps in such a hurry.


Carolina Girl

Thanks TomPl
Now that I have a little more time any idea on how the macro is shouold look?

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