Help - Stationery location for OneNote



I learned from MVP Ben Schorr's web site, via MVP Diane Poremsky, that
stationery is located (in a hidden file) as follows: C:\documents and
Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates {to show hidden files
- click Tools - Folder Options - Show Hidden Files}
I found the folder contents, but all it showed was one template I
downloaded, then it had a lump sum file called "My" which,
when I click, takes me to the software itself. It was missing all the
individual templates including one I created this morning.
HOW do I copy a stationery template I created so that I can transfer it to
my work pc? Surely it has to be easier than this??

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

I learned from MVP Ben Schorr's web site, via MVP Diane Poremsky, that
stationery is located (in a hidden file) as follows: C:\documents and
Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates {to show hidden files
- click Tools - Folder Options - Show Hidden Files}
I found the folder contents, but all it showed was one template I
downloaded, then it had a lump sum file called "My" which,
when I click, takes me to the software itself. It was missing all the
individual templates including one I created this morning.
HOW do I copy a stationery template I created so that I can transfer it to
my work pc? Surely it has to be easier than this??

If I understand correctly what you want to do (and you have already
created a page that you have saved as custom stationery) then simply
create a new section, create a new page, apply your custom stationery
to that page, save the section, send/copy the section to the other
machine, open it, save the page as custom staionery on the other
machine. And you should be good to go.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath


Eurkea! You're right, turning it into a new section works, then it's
actually saved under a subfolder of "My Notebook," not underall those other
hidden layers. That makes more sense, thank you very much!


(Sorry, that's " E u r e k a" I CAN spell, but with a bit more coffee in

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

Eurkea or Eureka, I don't mind. You seemed happy, either way. :)

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

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