Is there a reason you cannot enter the formula in D4

Evaluate is not as straightforward as people would like it to be. It's
a method, not a function. When used w/o a qualifier it defaults to
Application.Evaluate(...) and then the unqualified references to the
comparison cells B{n} and C{n} refer to...well, I don't know.
You could try using the {worksheet}.Evaluate method but like I wrote
at the top, why not enter the formulas in the cells of interest and
let Excel do the hard work?
My problem is that the formular in the Evaluate function is not evaluating
correctly. I tried it another way:
For Each c In Regws.Range("B" & Regws_startRow & ":B" & Regws_endRow).Cells
If c.Row <> Regws_endRow Then
c.Offset(0, 2).Value = Evaluate("=SUMPRODUCT(--('BO Download'!$D$" &
startRow & ":$D$" & endRow & "=C" & c.Row & "),--('BO Download'!$E$" &
startRow & ":$E$" & endRow & "=B" & c.Row & "))")
c.Offset(0, 2).Value should be 126 but it is evaluating to 1
These are the values for the variables:
Tushar Mehta
Microsoft MVP Excel 2000-present
Excel and PowerPoint tutorials and add-ins