Help to publish



I would like to know this please..

I have 2 FP webs which need to be published to a Linux server.

The server will have an index page which will have links to other dom
names and these 2 FP webs.

What is the best way for me to do this?

I have the Dreamweaver created index page which will go into the Linux
/public_html/ dir and I assume the 2 FP webs will each go into their own
directory. e.g /public_html/web1/ and public_html/web2/

I am not sure whether it is best to place them like this on my HD first
and publish the lot of them as one big file (250MB) or just Cute_ftp the
index to /public_html/ then FP publish the other 2 to those locations.

Any help guidance please?

Thank you for your time.


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