I saw your original post .....here's what I was thiking of writing, but
didn't in case someone came along with what you think that you want.
By "more than one ....in a field, I assume you mean in the same record in
that field. Such violates database normalization design practices. Modify
the following for your actual data, but an example of a solution would be to
make a second DocumentsTable with a FK the same as the PK of your main table,
put the OLE field into that new table, and enter one record for each
document, (more precisely, one record for each instance of linking a
document to a record in your main table. Link the PK in your main table to
the FK in that new table.
Entry of a record in the new table would be entering one document into the
OLE field of the new table plus entering the PK value of the record of the
main table loading the OLE field plus recording the PK of your main table
into the FK of that record in your new table (a form would handle that
automatically, and display it nicely)