Help w Creating New Address Book in Outlook?



I have new Outlook 2003 & new computer (Sony VAIO), 2 weeks old. I have
attempted numerous times when opening email message, now that a list of email
addresses is avaliable, to click on "To" and have the Address Book appear.
IT DOESN'T. Instead, I receive the following message:

The address list could not be displayed. The Contacts Folder associated
with this selected address list could not be opened; it may have been moved
or deleted, or you do not have permissions (I'm the Administrator and the
on how to remove this folder from the Outlook Address Book, see Microsoft
Outlook Help.


(a) I don't know what to "ask" under Microsoft Outlook Help or what to look
for to find out WHAT TO DO to correct this problem, and also a problem I
have never had (WOW) ... I found something that has never happened!!

(b) This was a NEW COMPUTER, but already had problems, as it was purchased
"out of box" and it was the store's display demo, so they had some "custom
stuff" - asin a User called "Valued Customer" that could NOT be deleted as a
normal USER, but instead, the entire system needed a Clean Install to
eliminate "Valued Customer" as when I deleted the "User" - it REMAINED as a
"file path" to store documents ... actually, I'd never seen anything like it
- it was BIZARRE to me! Anyway, it needed to have a "Clean Install"
performed to remove the file path "Valued Customer" ... BIZARRE!

(c) Having never had to "change a path" or delete an Outlook Address Book, I
don't have a CLUE HOW TO DO IT ...

Can someone please help me so I don't have to use one of two incidents
ALRELADY witih Microsoft - PLEASE?

Tony Jollans


There are a couple of inconsistncies in your post. Might I suggest you take
time to express your problem clearly (without SHOUTING) and post it in an
Outlook group. Not knowing what to ask of Outlook is hardly an excuse for
ranting in a Word group, and here really isn't the right place to get help
with this particular problem.


What do you mean, you don't know what to "ask" ... did you try "address
book" ? The answer will leap out and savage your genitalia.



First, I didn't realize I was "SHOUTING" ... It was late, I was tired, and I
get very, very FRUSTRATED when I can't figure out what is going wrong. My
last computer was beseiged with 3 defective Operating System CDs confirmed by
Microsoft and replacements, thank God, sent ... my last computer was beseiged
with more problems than there are Carter's Pills in the entire world, as the
old saying goes about "Carter's Pills" (if you're old enough to remember that
one) ... and to boot, altho certainly not your problem, I am living with
excruciating pain from 3 spinal surgeries, a failed fusion and a 4th spinal
surgery required, with an enormous amount of medication for pain, that never
helps my "emotinalism" when frsutrated, and as I wrote the message, I was
sitting at my computer, crying from pain and crying from frustration,
thinking I would never be able to figure it out. I remember opening this
"community" site, having never seen it on 2002, wondering what it was, and
what to do ... I remember trying to figure out "where to go" in the list of
selections ... and I do NOT remember seeing an "outlook" section, or I would
have certainly posted it within Outlook ... and perhaps I was too tired and
crying too hard to have seen the word "Outlook" - but if you can see Outlook,
then I will say to you "I'm sorry" - however, you need not have "scolded me"
for not doing it right or proper. I'm not a geek; I'm onlyl trying to get a
new computer running, and running right and when seeing the "error message"
that I also posted, I was totally lost and confused, not being able to figure
out, if Outlook was installed initially, and not used until "I" used it, then
"how" could a contact address list not be "correctly" positioned, or "lost"
.... and you certainly did not have to waste your time in scolding me, simply
to inform me I was "SHOUTING" when I wasn't shouting at anyone or anything
.... I put "emphasis" on what I thought were "keywords" of importance, and if
you consider that shouting, than perhaps you should walk in my shoes for a
while, and deal with what I deal with and have dealt with for 4 years, only
now, because we are in monetary need, of working a part-time job, crying on
the way home in pain, holding the tears back while working, when in pain, and
simply trying to "live a happy life" to the best of my ability with the tools
I have at my disposal right now, which are not many! My computer has been
"my life" for 4 years of total "lock-down live in" from recovery from spinal
surgeries, and life has not been "on my side" and yet with all, God has been
wonderfully blessing us left and right with people willing to help
financially, etc. We trully have been blessed beyond all means of blessings
in so many ways. But please - do not waste your time and my time, when I'm
anxiously expecting to see an answer, and read a scolding when using this
community site for the first time - it kinda puts a bad taste in one's month!
Ya know? How would you like it if you were lost and confused, and instead
of "politely" suggesting what I "should be doing" - of "SCOLDING ME" for
improperly affixing my help in the Word section of communities, and not the
"Outlook" section of communities, whereirn as stated above, I never saw an
"outlook section" ...

God Bless You - and I Hope you Have a Good Day !!! Thanks for your courtesy
.... but please do not respond to my emails again in that way or form. I do
not think it dignifies you or the site ...


You too ... huh? Tony was rude enough ... and now you too ... And YES,
smarty, I did search for "address book" and it did not leap out in the
vulgarity of the way you like to express yourself ...

Thanks for no help ...


Don't have the balls to apologize, eh?

Twinkle2z said:
You too ... huh? Tony was rude enough ... and now you too ... And YES,
smarty, I did search for "address book" and it did not leap out in the
vulgarity of the way you like to express yourself ...

Thanks for no help ...

Tony Jollans

I'm very sorry to hear of your troubles, and am happy to help in any way I
can. Unfortunately in this instance all I can really do is direct you to
somewhere you may be able to get the help that I cannot give. I don't know
how you are gaining access to this newsgroup - and I'm new here myself - but
if you go to you
will find Outlook groups listed along with the Word ones and should be able
to find an appropriate group.

I am also sorry you feel slighted by my response, that was not my intention.
I merely wanted to point out that all but the very occasional use of
capitals in postings is considered the equivalent of shouting and that the
tone of your post was such that, even if in the best place, would be
unlikely to get the best response. Computers undoubtedly have problems and
you have, indeed, been unlucky to have had to have three replacement
operating system CDs. It may be my age or it may be that I'm not from the
same country as you but I'm afraid I have no clue what a Carter's Pill is.

Your general problems are similar to those I have seen in the past when
buying ex-display equipment; you are, however, obviously more than competent
if you have the ability, and the means, to do a clean install and should,
surely, understand how to deal with files not deleted when you delete a user
(whether to keep or delete them is, anyway, an option which you should have
seen when you deleted the user). I'm not an expert in anything and really
can't help with your Outlook problem. However, as far as I read the message,
it is saying it can't find a Contacts Folder and suggesting some possible
reasons for that; if none of those reasons are pertinent in your case then
there must be another, possibly less common, one. I really don't understand
what you've done to get where you are; you say, I think, that you have this
problem on first opening a new installation of Outlook yet you also say "now
that a a list of email addresses is avaliable" implying that you have
somehow created it, so what have you done?

Please remember that readers cannot see your system and do not know what you
have done, so expressing your situation clearly and precisely is very
important. It is also generally better not to add extraneous detail - it is
sufficient to say you have done a clean install; it is of no benefit to know
that you find it bizarre (capitalised twice so you presumably think it very

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