Joe Hennessey

OK what i have is a database w/ tons of accounts in it.
What am i trying to do is run a query to pull out all
acounts from the years 98, 99, 00 so i can close out the
accounts. How can i get it to search jus the last 2
digits of the date field and pull htose accounts so i can
close them. Also some of the dates arent in proper date
format i.e.(081903 instead of 08/19/03), how can i do
this, please help!!!

Thanks, Joe

Rick Brandt

Joe Hennessey said:
OK what i have is a database w/ tons of accounts in it.
What am i trying to do is run a query to pull out all
acounts from the years 98, 99, 00 so i can close out the
accounts. How can i get it to search jus the last 2
digits of the date field and pull htose accounts so i can
close them. Also some of the dates arent in proper date
format i.e.(081903 instead of 08/19/03), how can i do
this, please help!!!

Since it looks like you're storing your dates in a text field I would try...

WHERE Right([YourDateField], 2) IN("98", "99", "00")

Joe Hennessey

Ya but the problem is its not set up in a table its set up
in a form, so how do i get it run w/ the form, i tried to
specify where the text field was like(Forms![frmACCOUNTS]!
[HSDATE]) but it wont let me do that

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