Help w/ simple calculator formula




First of all, take a look a this picture, it will help when you're answering
my question. It's a screenshot of what we're working with.

Here's my question: I need to know how to write this formula, I'll write a
description of what I need it to do below.

If someone wants X quantity of the product in A2, and they get 25%, I want
to be able to type the quantity in B12 and get the total in G12. However, I
need it to be able to calculate if they get X quantity at 25%, and X quantity
at 40%.

In essence, I need it to be able to do the multiplication for 25%, 30%, 35%,
40%, and 45%, or any combination of them.

Also, if I am not using a certain % for the customer, I would like to not
have o type a 0 in for the quantity, so if you can write it so I can leave
that cell blank, that would be great.

Bob Bridges

You left out part of the calculation, but I'll assume that if you were to
type (say) a 2 in B12, you'd want G12 to be equal to 80.98, that is, the 25%
value (40.49) times B12. And if you put values in B12, D12 and E12 you want
G12 to display the sum of each result. If so, G12 should contain
"=B12*C2+C12*D2+D12*E2+E12*F2+F12*G12". You can copy it to G13:G19 and it'll
adjust the rows automatically.

But that's too obvious, so maybe I'm missing something.


Randy the formula presented by Bob is correct except you need to change the
last reference from G12 to G2. Otherwise the formula will not computer

The formula should look like this


Wow... I didn't realize it would be that easy. I figured that leaving some
cells blank that were part of the equasion would cause an error in the output
cell. I guess not. So simple!


Bob Bridges

Ah, right you are, tech1NJ! Thanks; I'm used to thinking in R1C1, so I had
to work hard to keep from messing up all the references.

Bob Bridges

Hmm. I THINK a blank cell will evaluate as a 0 and thus have the correct
result, but actually now that you mention it I'm not utterly certain. Better
test it to be sure before you count on it.

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