HELP!!! Where is my Auto Text in 2007


Diedra - diedraj

I just received an upgrade to Office 2007 and I am having issues adjusting to
some of the features. In office 2003 there was a feature called auto text
that allowed you to type information that you repeatedly used. Once the auto
text was created, whenever you typed the word you were prompted with the
complete word. And all you had to do was hit enter to accept it and it was
inserted automatically into your document. 2007 word has some building block
crap that you have to click on and prompt the insertion. Is that the case
now? If so I am going to be so disappointed. That feature was very invaluable
to what I do. Thanks in advance to all responses.

Jay Freedman

Diedra said:
I just received an upgrade to Office 2007 and I am having issues
adjusting to some of the features. In office 2003 there was a feature
called auto text that allowed you to type information that you
repeatedly used. Once the auto text was created, whenever you typed
the word you were prompted with the complete word. And all you had to
do was hit enter to accept it and it was inserted automatically into
your document. 2007 word has some building block crap that you have
to click on and prompt the insertion. Is that the case now? If so I
am going to be so disappointed. That feature was very invaluable to
what I do. Thanks in advance to all responses.

What is gone is the automatic prompting and the use of the Enter key.
Instead, type the name of the entry (at least four characters and enough to
uniquely identify it) and press F3.

This omission has caught more flak here than any other change in Word
2007 -- there are hundreds of threads about it, including several in the
last few days. Scroll through the newsgroup posts and see some of the other

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

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