Help with a calculation (no VBA)



Picture this:
WBS Listings in column A. Labor Grade Listings in Column B. Column C is
"Min Start". Column D is "Max Finish". Columns E - Z represent Nov06-Apr08.
Depending on the WBS and Labor Grade, there are values entered in different
months. There are multiple instances of the Same WBS, and same labor grade
within the WBS. Ultimately, the Min start per WBS will be put into a pivot
table for min start.

I'd like a formula that looks at the WBS in Column A, finds the earliest
month where are values entered in, and returns the month in Column C.

Hopefully I explained this well enough! Thanks for your help!

Bob Phillips

D2: =MAX(MONTH(E2:Z2))

C2: =MIN(IF(E2:Z2<>"",MONTH(E2:Z2)))

The formula in C2 is an array formula, it should be committed with
Ctrl-Shift-Enter, not just Enter.



Bob Phillips

(replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)

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