Help with a Formula




I require help with a formula, I'm tring to get the cell H7 to return a
result of "completed" if the cell L7 hold anytype of value either text or

If L7 is blank then H7 will also remain blank.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Kevin B

In H7 place the following formula:


That should do the trick.


Kevin, Many thanks for your help that worked great.

In my H7 cell I also managed to write an 'IF' formula as follows:
=IF(I7>0,"OVERDUE","Not Due") how could I incorporate the foluma you have
just given me to work with my IF formula.

Basicly I want my IF formula to work 1st but as soon as something is
entered into L7 i want that rule to take president.

i tried this but had no luck =IF(I7>0,"OVERDUE","Not Due") +

Many Thanks

Kevin B

I think this is what you're trying to accomplish:

=IF(AND(NOT(ISNUMBER(L7)),NOT(ISBLANK(L7))),"Completed",IF(AND(ISNUMBER(L7),L7>0),"Overdue","Not Due"))

If it's not a number and it's not blank you want it to say "Completed",
otherwise if it is a number and it's greater than 0 (zero) you want it to say
"Over Due", otherwise if it is a number and it is 0 you want it to say "Not

Hopefully I got that right...

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