Help with a Query



I currently have the following Query:

SELECT Year([ClosingDate]) AS [Year], Month([ClosingDate]) AS [Month],
[Source] AS Broker, Count(File_Tracking.FileNumber) AS Files
FROM File_Tracking
WHERE ([ClosingDate]) Is Not Null
GROUP BY Year([ClosingDate]), Month([ClosingDate]), [Source];

The problem that I am having is that some of the companies in my database
(in the source field) have been entered different ways, for example:
Abc Company
Abc Company, Inc.
Therefore when I run my report I get seperate report entries when they
should show up as the same company. I have tried using the like command but
have been unsuccessful so far. Does anyone have suggestions on my problem?
Additionally, I am trying to make One column in my report showing "January,
2005" as the date grouped by, is there an easy way to do this? Any help
would be greatly appreciated.


[MVP] S.Clark

Gregw said:
I currently have the following Query:

SELECT Year([ClosingDate]) AS [Year], Month([ClosingDate]) AS [Month],
[Source] AS Broker, Count(File_Tracking.FileNumber) AS Files
FROM File_Tracking
WHERE ([ClosingDate]) Is Not Null
GROUP BY Year([ClosingDate]), Month([ClosingDate]), [Source];

The problem that I am having is that some of the companies in my database
(in the source field) have been entered different ways, for example:
Abc Company
Abc Company, Inc.
Therefore when I run my report I get seperate report entries when they
should show up as the same company. I have tried using the like command
have been unsuccessful so far. Does anyone have suggestions on my
Additionally, I am trying to make One column in my report showing
2005" as the date grouped by, is there an easy way to do this? Any help
would be greatly appreciated.


[MVP] S.Clark

You could:
1. Create a Source table, and enter all of the Source names in a
standardized method. Use a SourceID as the primary key.
2. To the File_Tracking data, I would add the Source ID, which links to the
SourceID in the Source table.
3. Alter your query to incorporate this structure change.

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