help with access project (ADP)



i have a complex situation here,
i'm very new in programming
i try to make an application in Access project, some thing like book
order with sms messages
when sms incoming, it will insert "phone number" & "book order" to
table incoming msg.(i'm already do this apllication)

is any VBA or procedure in acces project to :
cek the "phone number" from table "members"
if there is no record , then update table"outgoing" with "you not
register" in field "status"

another condition

if there is any record in table "member" continue to cek the price of
the book ,and than calculate price and member money table "member",if
member money-price="minus" than update "outgoing" table with "you have
not enough money"

msg incoming==> insert into table "incoming"==> cek the condition
register or not and cek the price and member money in table
"member"==>insert the condition into table "outgoing".

what is the fast way to do this procedure, because of incoming message
about 10 msg per minutes,

thx before..

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