Help with 'Auto_Open' please...



SubThe first time I open my excel workbook, a macro automatically runs. Part
of this macro eventually calls for the deleting of 'Sheet1' in the workbook.
When the macro is finished running, I save the file.

The second time I open the workbook, I want it to check to see if it
contains a 'Sheet1'. If it does, 'Exit Sub', else do something else...

I've pasted my VBA code below. Do you see anything wrong with it?

Many thanks,



Private Sub Auto_Open()

calcmod = Application.Calculation

With Application
.Calculation = xlManual
.MaxChange = 0.001
.CalculateBeforeSave = False
End With
ActiveWorkbook.PrecisionAsDisplayed = False

On Error Resume Next

Set sht = Sheets("Sheet1")
If sht Is Nothing Then

Exit Sub


Application.Calculation = calcmod

End If

On Error GoTo 0



Hi Chip:

My excel file is actually handled by a trid party application, so I can't
watch the macros run. I believe a line of code I have which is supposed to
delete Sheet1 first time through, isn't working correctly becauise the entire
macro runs again when I open the file a second time. I realize it's the
'Delete Sheet1' area of code I probably need to focus on, but first wanted to
make sure the 'auto_Open' code looked good.

If you can't see any serious mistakes in my 'Auto_Open' sub???, then I'll
move on to troubleshooting why the third party app isn't allowing my macro to
delete Sheet1 the first time it runs.


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