help with autonumber



i have a form which allows users to update the underlying table directly from
the form (using AddNew). For some reason, when users add a new item --the
AutoNumber reverts to "2", instead of assigning the next incremental number.
I have the autonumber set to assign incrementally (not randomly).
any thoughts?

thanks in advance


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It sounds like you're using the 'newrecord' on a bound form to input
information, but then using recordset via code, rather than the form's
recordset, to actually write the record to your table. Under that scenario
the table would 'burn' an autonumber ID prior to your code executing. To
correct the problem, you would unbind your form (clear the form's
recordsource property). Just a guess. Good luck.


thanks! kari

elwin said:
It sounds like you're using the 'newrecord' on a bound form to input
information, but then using recordset via code, rather than the form's
recordset, to actually write the record to your table. Under that scenario
the table would 'burn' an autonumber ID prior to your code executing. To
correct the problem, you would unbind your form (clear the form's
recordsource property). Just a guess. Good luck.

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