help with background and pictures not loading on web page



"i last used MS Front Page 2000 to design web pages. Now I have Office 2007...
I created the web page in Publisher, created a directory and a file for the
images and followed all the steps to upload, all went fine saved the main
page as "index.htm" and saved the about us page as "about us.htm" saved it as
web page after sending it all to "web page preview". then used fileilla to
upload it. i open the web page on line and i can see the main page and no
background picture , no picture i added there and no "about us" page..


Publisher works just a tad different than FP. It is not a code editor. Open
your Pub file, Edit, Publish to the Web and direct the output to somewhere
on your computer where you can find the files. Publisher will generate an
index.htm file and an index_files folder that contains your supporting
graphics and other .htm pages. You then upload the index.htm file and the
index_files folder to your root directory on your host. Upload the
index_files folder intact.

Reference: Prepare, publish, and maintain your Publisher Web site:
But do continue to use FillZilla to upload your .htm files and folder.



I can't thank you enough.. I spent probably 20 hours trying to figure this
out...I read all the help places and you solved it for me in just a few
lines... It took me 5 minutes to fix and upload. I am forever grteful.
the granny


So all I need in my file www.--- is the index_files and the index.htm to
upload. I have saved my images in that same file so i don't need to upload
that image file? The first time I did as you to the web etc.,
it all worked i went in and worked on the other pages and saved
them and they work on the web page preview but not on line. The original
pictures don't come in either.
The files that are in the right column in filezilla, are; _db_bak, stats,
images,s, index_files and index.htm
I must have messed somewhere,
I also went to a different web site and chose a free counter, copied the
code and put that on the web page. Is that safe?


You won't need a separate "images" folder on your host in general...there
are exceptions. However, all images in your Pub file are sent to the
index_files folder when you Publish to the web. When you want to update you
make changes in the Publisher file...the .pub file, Publish to the web and
produce a new index.htm file and a new index_files folder and upload
both....leave the index_files folder intact. Your web pages will look to
that folder for the images. In theory when you ftp the index.htm file and
the index_files folder it should overwrite the old, but you can also just
delete the old from the server before you upload if you want to make sure.

The counter should be fine...although unnecessary. You mention that you have
a "stats" folder on your host, so obviously your host provides some
webstats. Those are going to be of much better value than a counter. Some
people have argued that having a counter on a home page is "amateurish", as
you will never see them on big sites, but whatever floats your boat...if you
want to use it, go for it.



Oh DavidF, once again I am so GRATEFUL!!! It all worked just like you said
it would. I deleted the files and did it the way you told me it would.
thanks again.

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