Help with build my site? Newbe


Marc Browning

To start with I'm a photographer with my own site I
know it needs allot of work!! anyway
1. I would like to know what program can I use to make my photo galleries
with the copyright on the picture and the info on the top. I use Photoshop
7.0 for this now.
2. What program to make a shopping cart on the site I use frontpaage 2002
to make the links .
3. Is there a way or program to make my pictures right click disabled,I
found a html code for this, but it only works with internet explorer my
firefox you can still right click and save
and you have to add the lines to each pictures one at a time, kind of a pain
with amount of pictures I normally shoot.

I use windows XP,frontpage 2002, and upload to my own server running Linux
redhat 9.0
hope this help's, I'm not at all internet world wise. Thanks

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