Help with Calendar OCX


John Cosmas

I have the MSComCtl2.MonthView.2 (Microsoft MonthView Control 6.0/SP4)
placed on a form, and I'm having the age old problem of using the DAYBOLD
property. If I were to put the form in DESIGN MODE and then press RUN, the
Calendar works fine. But, if I am to re-run the form the second time
without putting the form in DESIGN mode first, the DAYBOLD fails and none of
the selected/programmed date items on the calendar shows up BOLD. And yes,
I did add it from the INSERT ACTIVEX CONTROL located on the toolbar.

If there is a better Calendar control (NOT DATETIMEPICKER), please
recommend. My objective is to show a calendar so I can indicate DAYBOLD.


John Cosmas


Thanks, this will work, plus I can certainly use the controls to do my
project management stuff.

John Cosmas

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