Help with Cartesian or cross joins



I posted this back in November, but I had to stop and build a number of
Financial Reports in VB so I put this off to the side. Now I really need to
finish this DB. I’ve tried to write this quite a few number of ways, but none
worked all the way. I will post the original question and the response I got
that is close.

This is the original post:

I took my main table NameAddr this file contains all of our customers with
assigned customer numbers. Each of the 14 branches has a range of usage
between 1 and 9999. Branch 01 only uses 1680 that leaves 8319 number
assignable. I created a 1-9999 table and right joined them, this should give
me all the numbers “USED†and all the numbers LEFT OVERâ€

SELECT NAMEADDR.[co-number] AS Branch, NAMEADDR.[cust-number] AS
CustomerNumberAssinged, CustomerN.CustomerNumbers


WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number])<>"Is Not Null" And
WHERE NAMEADDR.[co-number] Is Not Null And
NAMEADDR.[co-number] Not IN("02","06","07","08","14","15",)

ORDER BY [NAMEADDR].[co-number], [NAMEADDR].[cust-number];

This did not work correctly, I still need the UNUSED numbers per BRANCH. I
response I got (which I will list below) is close, but I get a mis-matched
expression. I pulled it apart to see what was not working, but nada. The
first two queries work fine, it's the Q_Unused that is still getting an
error. Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

Here is the response:

Piggybacking on Marshall's clever idea of using the Cartesian product of
a small Table with itself, I define a Table containing only 10 numbers:

[tbl 0-9] Table Datasheet View:


I also have a Table that specifies the maximum number of accounts at
each Branch. (I changed Branch "01" from 1680 to 998 to make the
example work better. You should set them to whatever is correct.)

[Branches] Table Datasheet View:

Branch NumberOfAccounts
------ ----------------
01 998
02 997
03 500
04 74

And we have the Table of existing, and thus unavailable, account numbers
at each Branch. I have included only two Branches, to make the example
more concise:

[NAMEADDR] Table Datasheet View:

co-number cust-number
--------- -----------
01 993
01 995
01 996
02 991
02 995

Now we create a Query to list all 9999 possible customer numbers for any
Branch, including those that may be in use:

[Q_9999] SQL:

SELECT [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10
+[1].number AS [Number]
FROM [tbl 0-9] AS 1000, [tbl 0-9] AS 100, [tbl 0-9] AS 10,
[tbl 0-9] AS 1
WHERE ((([1000].[number]*1000+[100].[number]*100+[10].[number]*10
ORDER BY [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100

(I expect that this occupies considerably less space than a
10,000-record Table.) As you might expect, the contents are kind of
boring, and I've omitted most of them here:

[Q_9999] Query Datasheet View:


Now I define a Query that lists all of the possible account numbers for
each Branch, up to the limit specified in [Branches].[NumberOfAccounts]:

[Q_Combo] SQL:

SELECT Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number
FROM Branches, Q_9999
((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND
And (Q_9999.Number)=990
ORDER BY Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number;

The lines "((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND "
and "And (Q_9999.Number)=990"
are included ONLY to make the example shorter. You need to erase both
lines from this SQL. This Query lists account numbers up to 998 for
Branch "01" and up to 997 for Branch "02", omitting the other numbers
and Branches. The complete list, now, looks like this:

[Q_Combo] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 993
01 994
01 995
01 996
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 991
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 995
02 996
02 997

Now we're ready to list the unused ones. We define one more Query:

[Q_Unused] SQL:

SELECT Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number
ON (Q_Combo.Branch = NAMEADDR.[co-number])
AND (Q_Combo.number = NAMEADDR.[cust-number])
WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number]) Is Null))
ORDER BY Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number;

and -- voilá -- we have what I think you asked for, a list of all the
account numbers (up to the maximum allowed for each Branch) that are not
already listed in [NAMEADDR]:

[Q_Unused] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 994
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 996
02 997

Notice that account 995 is not listed for either Branch, but 993 is
listed for Branch "02".

Vincent Johns

Were you able to identify the mis-matched expression in [Q_Unused]?
From what you say, that's the only remaining problem. Maybe you're
trying to mix text strings with numbers, or something like that. I
don't have time right now to guess what went wrong there (but the
version I tried appeared to work).

BTW, I suggest you avoid an expression like

Not IN("02","06","07","08","14","15",)

in your SQL on the basis that it grossly clutters the SQL and requires
you to keep editing it whenever the set of numbers changes. More
maintainable is putting those numbers into a Table (or computing them
via a Query), so you can leave all your SQL alone once you have it working.

If you wish, you may email me a (sanitized and ZIPped) copy of your
database, and I'll try to look at it in the next couple of days. (But I
don't guarantee anything, and you may get better answers by posting in
the newsgroup.)

-- Vincent Johns <[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.
I posted this back in November, but I had to stop and build a number of
Financial Reports in VB so I put this off to the side. Now I really need to
finish this DB. I’ve tried to write this quite a few number of ways, but none
worked all the way. I will post the original question and the response I got
that is close.

This is the original post:

I took my main table NameAddr this file contains all of our customers with
assigned customer numbers. Each of the 14 branches has a range of usage
between 1 and 9999. Branch 01 only uses 1680 that leaves 8319 number
assignable. I created a 1-9999 table and right joined them, this should give
me all the numbers “USED†and all the numbers LEFT OVERâ€

SELECT NAMEADDR.[co-number] AS Branch, NAMEADDR.[cust-number] AS
CustomerNumberAssinged, CustomerN.CustomerNumbers


WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number])<>"Is Not Null" And
WHERE NAMEADDR.[co-number] Is Not Null And
NAMEADDR.[co-number] Not IN("02","06","07","08","14","15",)

ORDER BY [NAMEADDR].[co-number], [NAMEADDR].[cust-number];

This did not work correctly, I still need the UNUSED numbers per BRANCH. I
response I got (which I will list below) is close, but I get a mis-matched
expression. I pulled it apart to see what was not working, but nada. The
first two queries work fine, it's the Q_Unused that is still getting an
error. Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

Here is the response:

Piggybacking on Marshall's clever idea of using the Cartesian product of
a small Table with itself, I define a Table containing only 10 numbers:

[tbl 0-9] Table Datasheet View:


I also have a Table that specifies the maximum number of accounts at
each Branch. (I changed Branch "01" from 1680 to 998 to make the
example work better. You should set them to whatever is correct.)

[Branches] Table Datasheet View:

Branch NumberOfAccounts
------ ----------------
01 998
02 997
03 500
04 74

And we have the Table of existing, and thus unavailable, account numbers
at each Branch. I have included only two Branches, to make the example
more concise:

[NAMEADDR] Table Datasheet View:

co-number cust-number
--------- -----------
01 993
01 995
01 996
02 991
02 995

Now we create a Query to list all 9999 possible customer numbers for any
Branch, including those that may be in use:

[Q_9999] SQL:

SELECT [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10
+[1].number AS [Number]
FROM [tbl 0-9] AS 1000, [tbl 0-9] AS 100, [tbl 0-9] AS 10,
[tbl 0-9] AS 1
WHERE ((([1000].[number]*1000+[100].[number]*100+[10].[number]*10
ORDER BY [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100

(I expect that this occupies considerably less space than a
10,000-record Table.) As you might expect, the contents are kind of
boring, and I've omitted most of them here:

[Q_9999] Query Datasheet View:


Now I define a Query that lists all of the possible account numbers for
each Branch, up to the limit specified in [Branches].[NumberOfAccounts]:

[Q_Combo] SQL:

SELECT Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number
FROM Branches, Q_9999
((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND
And (Q_9999.Number)=990
ORDER BY Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number;

The lines "((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND "
and "And (Q_9999.Number)=990"
are included ONLY to make the example shorter. You need to erase both
lines from this SQL. This Query lists account numbers up to 998 for
Branch "01" and up to 997 for Branch "02", omitting the other numbers
and Branches. The complete list, now, looks like this:

[Q_Combo] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 993
01 994
01 995
01 996
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 991
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 995
02 996
02 997

Now we're ready to list the unused ones. We define one more Query:

[Q_Unused] SQL:

SELECT Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number
ON (Q_Combo.Branch = NAMEADDR.[co-number])
AND (Q_Combo.number = NAMEADDR.[cust-number])
WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number]) Is Null))
ORDER BY Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number;

and -- voilá -- we have what I think you asked for, a list of all the
account numbers (up to the maximum allowed for each Branch) that are not
already listed in [NAMEADDR]:

[Q_Unused] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 994
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 996
02 997

Notice that account 995 is not listed for either Branch, but 993 is
listed for Branch "02".


These are the queries, I tried not to cluttter it up to much:

[1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10+[1].number AS [Number]
FROM [tbl 0-9] AS 1000, [tbl 0-9] AS 100, [tbl 0-9] AS 10, [tbl 0-9] AS 1,
[tbl 0-9]
WHERE ((([1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10+[1].number)<>0))
ORDER BY [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10+[1].number;


SELECT [Branches].[Branch], [Q_9999].[Number]
FROM Branches, Q_9999
ORDER BY [Branches].[Branch], [Q_9999].[Number];

SELECT [Q_Combo].[Branch], [Q_Combo].[Number], [NAMEADDR].[co-number]

([Q_Combo].[Number]=[NAMEADDR].[cust-number]) AND

WHERE ((([NAMEADDR].[co-number]) Is Null))

ORDER BY [Q_Combo].[Branch], [Q_Combo].[Number];

tmaxwell said:
I posted this back in November, but I had to stop and build a number of
Financial Reports in VB so I put this off to the side. Now I really need to
finish this DB. I’ve tried to write this quite a few number of ways, but none
worked all the way. I will post the original question and the response I got
that is close.

This is the original post:

I took my main table NameAddr this file contains all of our customers with
assigned customer numbers. Each of the 14 branches has a range of usage
between 1 and 9999. Branch 01 only uses 1680 that leaves 8319 number
assignable. I created a 1-9999 table and right joined them, this should give
me all the numbers “USED†and all the numbers LEFT OVERâ€

SELECT NAMEADDR.[co-number] AS Branch, NAMEADDR.[cust-number] AS
CustomerNumberAssinged, CustomerN.CustomerNumbers


WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number])<>"Is Not Null" And
WHERE NAMEADDR.[co-number] Is Not Null And
NAMEADDR.[co-number] Not IN("02","06","07","08","14","15",)

ORDER BY [NAMEADDR].[co-number], [NAMEADDR].[cust-number];

This did not work correctly, I still need the UNUSED numbers per BRANCH. I
response I got (which I will list below) is close, but I get a mis-matched
expression. I pulled it apart to see what was not working, but nada. The
first two queries work fine, it's the Q_Unused that is still getting an
error. Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

Here is the response:

Piggybacking on Marshall's clever idea of using the Cartesian product of
a small Table with itself, I define a Table containing only 10 numbers:

[tbl 0-9] Table Datasheet View:


I also have a Table that specifies the maximum number of accounts at
each Branch. (I changed Branch "01" from 1680 to 998 to make the
example work better. You should set them to whatever is correct.)

[Branches] Table Datasheet View:

Branch NumberOfAccounts
------ ----------------
01 998
02 997
03 500
04 74

And we have the Table of existing, and thus unavailable, account numbers
at each Branch. I have included only two Branches, to make the example
more concise:

[NAMEADDR] Table Datasheet View:

co-number cust-number
--------- -----------
01 993
01 995
01 996
02 991
02 995

Now we create a Query to list all 9999 possible customer numbers for any
Branch, including those that may be in use:

[Q_9999] SQL:

SELECT [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10
+[1].number AS [Number]
FROM [tbl 0-9] AS 1000, [tbl 0-9] AS 100, [tbl 0-9] AS 10,
[tbl 0-9] AS 1
WHERE ((([1000].[number]*1000+[100].[number]*100+[10].[number]*10
ORDER BY [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100

(I expect that this occupies considerably less space than a
10,000-record Table.) As you might expect, the contents are kind of
boring, and I've omitted most of them here:

[Q_9999] Query Datasheet View:


Now I define a Query that lists all of the possible account numbers for
each Branch, up to the limit specified in [Branches].[NumberOfAccounts]:

[Q_Combo] SQL:

SELECT Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number
FROM Branches, Q_9999
((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND
And (Q_9999.Number)=990
ORDER BY Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number;

The lines "((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND "
and "And (Q_9999.Number)=990"
are included ONLY to make the example shorter. You need to erase both
lines from this SQL. This Query lists account numbers up to 998 for
Branch "01" and up to 997 for Branch "02", omitting the other numbers
and Branches. The complete list, now, looks like this:

[Q_Combo] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 993
01 994
01 995
01 996
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 991
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 995
02 996
02 997

Now we're ready to list the unused ones. We define one more Query:

[Q_Unused] SQL:

SELECT Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number
ON (Q_Combo.Branch = NAMEADDR.[co-number])
AND (Q_Combo.number = NAMEADDR.[cust-number])
WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number]) Is Null))
ORDER BY Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number;

and -- voilá -- we have what I think you asked for, a list of all the
account numbers (up to the maximum allowed for each Branch) that are not
already listed in [NAMEADDR]:

[Q_Unused] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 994
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 996
02 997

Notice that account 995 is not listed for either Branch, but 993 is
listed for Branch "02".

Vincent Johns

OK, I see the Queries, but what do they do that you don't like, or fail
to do that you want them to do? Can you post a concise example of what
you'd like to see? (By "concise", I'm thinking of something like
replacing the "<>0" in [Q_9999] by "<20", and setting the branch numbers
to all be less than 20, and including just 2 or 3 branches, for the
purposes of this illustration.) Showing how these Queries produce
results different from what you want would go a long way toward helping
identify & solve the problem.

BTW, in [Q_Unused], I don't understand why you would use

SELECT ..., [NAMEADDR].[co-number] FROM ...

when you require [NAMEADDR].[co-number] to always be null. You
shouldn't ever see a non-blank value in that field.

-- Vincent Johns <[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.
These are the queries, I tried not to cluttter it up to much:

[1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10+[1].number AS [Number]
FROM [tbl 0-9] AS 1000, [tbl 0-9] AS 100, [tbl 0-9] AS 10, [tbl 0-9] AS 1,
[tbl 0-9]
WHERE ((([1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10+[1].number)<>0))
ORDER BY [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10+[1].number;


SELECT [Branches].[Branch], [Q_9999].[Number]
FROM Branches, Q_9999
ORDER BY [Branches].[Branch], [Q_9999].[Number];

SELECT [Q_Combo].[Branch], [Q_Combo].[Number], [NAMEADDR].[co-number]

([Q_Combo].[Number]=[NAMEADDR].[cust-number]) AND

WHERE ((([NAMEADDR].[co-number]) Is Null))

ORDER BY [Q_Combo].[Branch], [Q_Combo].[Number];


I posted this back in November, but I had to stop and build a number of
Financial Reports in VB so I put this off to the side. Now I really need to
finish this DB. I’ve tried to write this quite a few number of ways, but none
worked all the way. I will post the original question and the response I got
that is close.

This is the original post:

I took my main table NameAddr this file contains all of our customers with
assigned customer numbers. Each of the 14 branches has a range of usage
between 1 and 9999. Branch 01 only uses 1680 that leaves 8319 number
assignable. I created a 1-9999 table and right joined them, this should give
me all the numbers “USED†and all the numbers LEFT OVERâ€

SELECT NAMEADDR.[co-number] AS Branch, NAMEADDR.[cust-number] AS
CustomerNumberAssinged, CustomerN.CustomerNumbers


WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number])<>"Is Not Null" And
WHERE NAMEADDR.[co-number] Is Not Null And
NAMEADDR.[co-number] Not IN("02","06","07","08","14","15",)

ORDER BY [NAMEADDR].[co-number], [NAMEADDR].[cust-number];

This did not work correctly, I still need the UNUSED numbers per BRANCH. I
response I got (which I will list below) is close, but I get a mis-matched
expression. I pulled it apart to see what was not working, but nada. The
first two queries work fine, it's the Q_Unused that is still getting an
error. Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

Here is the response:

Piggybacking on Marshall's clever idea of using the Cartesian product of
a small Table with itself, I define a Table containing only 10 numbers:

[tbl 0-9] Table Datasheet View:


I also have a Table that specifies the maximum number of accounts at
each Branch. (I changed Branch "01" from 1680 to 998 to make the
example work better. You should set them to whatever is correct.)

[Branches] Table Datasheet View:

Branch NumberOfAccounts
------ ----------------
01 998
02 997
03 500
04 74

And we have the Table of existing, and thus unavailable, account numbers
at each Branch. I have included only two Branches, to make the example
more concise:

[NAMEADDR] Table Datasheet View:

co-number cust-number
--------- -----------
01 993
01 995
01 996
02 991
02 995

Now we create a Query to list all 9999 possible customer numbers for any
Branch, including those that may be in use:

[Q_9999] SQL:

SELECT [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10
+[1].number AS [Number]
FROM [tbl 0-9] AS 1000, [tbl 0-9] AS 100, [tbl 0-9] AS 10,
[tbl 0-9] AS 1
WHERE ((([1000].[number]*1000+[100].[number]*100+[10].[number]*10
ORDER BY [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100

(I expect that this occupies considerably less space than a
10,000-record Table.) As you might expect, the contents are kind of
boring, and I've omitted most of them here:

[Q_9999] Query Datasheet View:


Now I define a Query that lists all of the possible account numbers for
each Branch, up to the limit specified in [Branches].[NumberOfAccounts]:

[Q_Combo] SQL:

SELECT Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number
FROM Branches, Q_9999
((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND
And (Q_9999.Number)=990
ORDER BY Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number;

The lines "((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND "
and "And (Q_9999.Number)=990"
are included ONLY to make the example shorter. You need to erase both
lines from this SQL. This Query lists account numbers up to 998 for
Branch "01" and up to 997 for Branch "02", omitting the other numbers
and Branches. The complete list, now, looks like this:

[Q_Combo] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 993
01 994
01 995
01 996
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 991
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 995
02 996
02 997

Now we're ready to list the unused ones. We define one more Query:

[Q_Unused] SQL:

SELECT Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number
ON (Q_Combo.Branch = NAMEADDR.[co-number])
AND (Q_Combo.number = NAMEADDR.[cust-number])
WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number]) Is Null))
ORDER BY Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number;

and -- voilá -- we have what I think you asked for, a list of all the
account numbers (up to the maximum allowed for each Branch) that are not
already listed in [NAMEADDR]:

[Q_Unused] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 994
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 996
02 997

Notice that account 995 is not listed for either Branch, but 993 is
listed for Branch "02".


We have 24 Branches, with 40 or so Sub-branches. Each customer is assigned a
Cust-number. I need to see accross all the branches that have a number
asssigned to them and then what is left over. The way it's done now is a
biller will assign by random a number. I need to track what numbers are used
and unused. Each branch starts at between 1-9999. I had customer name in this
query at first, but it was suggested to remove it. What you see in the
original post or query did not include the customer name field. This is were
it was sugested to remove the cust-name field. I hpe this makes since. Thanks

Vincent Johns said:
OK, I see the Queries, but what do they do that you don't like, or fail
to do that you want them to do? Can you post a concise example of what
you'd like to see? (By "concise", I'm thinking of something like
replacing the "<>0" in [Q_9999] by "<20", and setting the branch numbers
to all be less than 20, and including just 2 or 3 branches, for the
purposes of this illustration.) Showing how these Queries produce
results different from what you want would go a long way toward helping
identify & solve the problem.

BTW, in [Q_Unused], I don't understand why you would use

SELECT ..., [NAMEADDR].[co-number] FROM ...

when you require [NAMEADDR].[co-number] to always be null. You
shouldn't ever see a non-blank value in that field.

-- Vincent Johns <[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.
These are the queries, I tried not to cluttter it up to much:

[1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10+[1].number AS [Number]
FROM [tbl 0-9] AS 1000, [tbl 0-9] AS 100, [tbl 0-9] AS 10, [tbl 0-9] AS 1,
[tbl 0-9]
WHERE ((([1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10+[1].number)<>0))
ORDER BY [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10+[1].number;


SELECT [Branches].[Branch], [Q_9999].[Number]
FROM Branches, Q_9999
ORDER BY [Branches].[Branch], [Q_9999].[Number];

SELECT [Q_Combo].[Branch], [Q_Combo].[Number], [NAMEADDR].[co-number]

([Q_Combo].[Number]=[NAMEADDR].[cust-number]) AND

WHERE ((([NAMEADDR].[co-number]) Is Null))

ORDER BY [Q_Combo].[Branch], [Q_Combo].[Number];


I posted this back in November, but I had to stop and build a number of
Financial Reports in VB so I put this off to the side. Now I really need to
finish this DB. I’ve tried to write this quite a few number of ways, but none
worked all the way. I will post the original question and the response I got
that is close.

This is the original post:

I took my main table NameAddr this file contains all of our customers with
assigned customer numbers. Each of the 14 branches has a range of usage
between 1 and 9999. Branch 01 only uses 1680 that leaves 8319 number
assignable. I created a 1-9999 table and right joined them, this should give
me all the numbers “USED†and all the numbers LEFT OVERâ€

SELECT NAMEADDR.[co-number] AS Branch, NAMEADDR.[cust-number] AS
CustomerNumberAssinged, CustomerN.CustomerNumbers


WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number])<>"Is Not Null" And
WHERE NAMEADDR.[co-number] Is Not Null And
NAMEADDR.[co-number] Not IN("02","06","07","08","14","15",)

ORDER BY [NAMEADDR].[co-number], [NAMEADDR].[cust-number];

This did not work correctly, I still need the UNUSED numbers per BRANCH. I
response I got (which I will list below) is close, but I get a mis-matched
expression. I pulled it apart to see what was not working, but nada. The
first two queries work fine, it's the Q_Unused that is still getting an
error. Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

Here is the response:

Piggybacking on Marshall's clever idea of using the Cartesian product of
a small Table with itself, I define a Table containing only 10 numbers:

[tbl 0-9] Table Datasheet View:


I also have a Table that specifies the maximum number of accounts at
each Branch. (I changed Branch "01" from 1680 to 998 to make the
example work better. You should set them to whatever is correct.)

[Branches] Table Datasheet View:

Branch NumberOfAccounts
------ ----------------
01 998
02 997
03 500
04 74

And we have the Table of existing, and thus unavailable, account numbers
at each Branch. I have included only two Branches, to make the example
more concise:

[NAMEADDR] Table Datasheet View:

co-number cust-number
--------- -----------
01 993
01 995
01 996
02 991
02 995

Now we create a Query to list all 9999 possible customer numbers for any
Branch, including those that may be in use:

[Q_9999] SQL:

SELECT [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10
+[1].number AS [Number]
FROM [tbl 0-9] AS 1000, [tbl 0-9] AS 100, [tbl 0-9] AS 10,
[tbl 0-9] AS 1
WHERE ((([1000].[number]*1000+[100].[number]*100+[10].[number]*10
ORDER BY [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100

(I expect that this occupies considerably less space than a
10,000-record Table.) As you might expect, the contents are kind of
boring, and I've omitted most of them here:

[Q_9999] Query Datasheet View:


Now I define a Query that lists all of the possible account numbers for
each Branch, up to the limit specified in [Branches].[NumberOfAccounts]:

[Q_Combo] SQL:

SELECT Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number
FROM Branches, Q_9999
((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND
And (Q_9999.Number)=990
ORDER BY Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number;

The lines "((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND "
and "And (Q_9999.Number)=990"
are included ONLY to make the example shorter. You need to erase both
lines from this SQL. This Query lists account numbers up to 998 for
Branch "01" and up to 997 for Branch "02", omitting the other numbers
and Branches. The complete list, now, looks like this:

[Q_Combo] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 993
01 994
01 995
01 996
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 991
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 995
02 996
02 997

Now we're ready to list the unused ones. We define one more Query:

[Q_Unused] SQL:

SELECT Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number
ON (Q_Combo.Branch = NAMEADDR.[co-number])
AND (Q_Combo.number = NAMEADDR.[cust-number])
WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number]) Is Null))
ORDER BY Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number;

and -- voilá -- we have what I think you asked for, a list of all the
account numbers (up to the maximum allowed for each Branch) that are not
already listed in [NAMEADDR]:

[Q_Unused] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 994
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 996
02 997

Notice that account 995 is not listed for either Branch, but 993 is
listed for Branch "02".

Vincent Johns

I can understand why someone suggested removing the [cust-name] field,
since the Query is apparently supposed to spit out only all the
[Cust-number] values that are not assigned to anybody at all, and which
thus could never have a [cust-name] value attached. Once you attach
such a value, that [Cust-number] would no longer be returned by this Query!

What you do in a Query that displays the account numbers that are in use
is a whole nother story, of course; you might want to look at various
kinds of information related to your existing accounts.

I still don't understand what you want your Query to do (beyond that
which you've already described). If you've already solved the problem,
that's great, but if not, others and I will be happy to advise you further.

-- Vincent Johns <[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.

We have 24 Branches, with 40 or so Sub-branches. Each customer is assigned a
Cust-number. I need to see accross all the branches that have a number
asssigned to them and then what is left over. The way it's done now is a
biller will assign by random a number. I need to track what numbers are used
and unused. Each branch starts at between 1-9999. I had customer name in this
query at first, but it was suggested to remove it. What you see in the
original post or query did not include the customer name field. This is were
it was sugested to remove the cust-name field. I hpe this makes since. Thanks


OK, I see the Queries, but what do they do that you don't like, or fail
to do that you want them to do? Can you post a concise example of what
you'd like to see? (By "concise", I'm thinking of something like
replacing the "<>0" in [Q_9999] by "<20", and setting the branch numbers
to all be less than 20, and including just 2 or 3 branches, for the
purposes of this illustration.) Showing how these Queries produce
results different from what you want would go a long way toward helping
identify & solve the problem.

BTW, in [Q_Unused], I don't understand why you would use

SELECT ..., [NAMEADDR].[co-number] FROM ...

when you require [NAMEADDR].[co-number] to always be null. You
shouldn't ever see a non-blank value in that field.

-- Vincent Johns <[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.

tmaxwell wrote:

These are the queries, I tried not to cluttter it up to much:

[1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10+[1].number AS [Number]
FROM [tbl 0-9] AS 1000, [tbl 0-9] AS 100, [tbl 0-9] AS 10, [tbl 0-9] AS 1,
[tbl 0-9]
WHERE ((([1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10+[1].number)<>0))
ORDER BY [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10+[1].number;


SELECT [Branches].[Branch], [Q_9999].[Number]
FROM Branches, Q_9999
ORDER BY [Branches].[Branch], [Q_9999].[Number];

SELECT [Q_Combo].[Branch], [Q_Combo].[Number], [NAMEADDR].[co-number]

([Q_Combo].[Number]=[NAMEADDR].[cust-number]) AND

WHERE ((([NAMEADDR].[co-number]) Is Null))

ORDER BY [Q_Combo].[Branch], [Q_Combo].[Number];


I posted this back in November, but I had to stop and build a number of
Financial Reports in VB so I put this off to the side. Now I really need to
finish this DB. I’ve tried to write this quite a few number of ways, but none
worked all the way. I will post the original question and the response I got
that is close.

This is the original post:

I took my main table NameAddr this file contains all of our customers with
assigned customer numbers. Each of the 14 branches has a range of usage
between 1 and 9999. Branch 01 only uses 1680 that leaves 8319 number
assignable. I created a 1-9999 table and right joined them, this should give
me all the numbers “USED†and all the numbers LEFT OVERâ€

SELECT NAMEADDR.[co-number] AS Branch, NAMEADDR.[cust-number] AS
CustomerNumberAssinged, CustomerN.CustomerNumbers



WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number])<>"Is Not Null" And
WHERE NAMEADDR.[co-number] Is Not Null And
NAMEADDR.[co-number] Not IN("02","06","07","08","14","15",)

ORDER BY [NAMEADDR].[co-number], [NAMEADDR].[cust-number];

This did not work correctly, I still need the UNUSED numbers per BRANCH. I
response I got (which I will list below) is close, but I get a mis-matched
expression. I pulled it apart to see what was not working, but nada. The
first two queries work fine, it's the Q_Unused that is still getting an
error. Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

Here is the response:

Piggybacking on Marshall's clever idea of using the Cartesian product of
a small Table with itself, I define a Table containing only 10 numbers:

[tbl 0-9] Table Datasheet View:


I also have a Table that specifies the maximum number of accounts at
each Branch. (I changed Branch "01" from 1680 to 998 to make the
example work better. You should set them to whatever is correct.)

[Branches] Table Datasheet View:

Branch NumberOfAccounts
------ ----------------
01 998
02 997
03 500
04 74

And we have the Table of existing, and thus unavailable, account numbers
at each Branch. I have included only two Branches, to make the example
more concise:

[NAMEADDR] Table Datasheet View:

co-number cust-number
--------- -----------
01 993
01 995
01 996
02 991
02 995

Now we create a Query to list all 9999 possible customer numbers for any
Branch, including those that may be in use:

[Q_9999] SQL:

SELECT [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10
+[1].number AS [Number]
FROM [tbl 0-9] AS 1000, [tbl 0-9] AS 100, [tbl 0-9] AS 10,
[tbl 0-9] AS 1
WHERE ((([1000].[number]*1000+[100].[number]*100+[10].[number]*10
ORDER BY [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100

(I expect that this occupies considerably less space than a
10,000-record Table.) As you might expect, the contents are kind of
boring, and I've omitted most of them here:

[Q_9999] Query Datasheet View:


Now I define a Query that lists all of the possible account numbers for
each Branch, up to the limit specified in [Branches].[NumberOfAccounts]:

[Q_Combo] SQL:

SELECT Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number
FROM Branches, Q_9999
((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND
And (Q_9999.Number)=990
ORDER BY Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number;

The lines "((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND "
and "And (Q_9999.Number)=990"
are included ONLY to make the example shorter. You need to erase both
lines from this SQL. This Query lists account numbers up to 998 for
Branch "01" and up to 997 for Branch "02", omitting the other numbers
and Branches. The complete list, now, looks like this:

[Q_Combo] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 993
01 994
01 995
01 996
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 991
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 995
02 996
02 997

Now we're ready to list the unused ones. We define one more Query:

[Q_Unused] SQL:

SELECT Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number
ON (Q_Combo.Branch = NAMEADDR.[co-number])
AND (Q_Combo.number = NAMEADDR.[cust-number])
WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number]) Is Null))
ORDER BY Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number;

and -- voilá -- we have what I think you asked for, a list of all the
account numbers (up to the maximum allowed for each Branch) that are not
already listed in [NAMEADDR]:

[Q_Unused] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 994
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 996
02 997

Notice that account 995 is not listed for either Branch, but 993 is
listed for Branch "02".



Well the Q_Unused query does not work, it gives me an expression error. I
simple need this database to to tell me which numbers are assigned and which
are not, per branch. Each Branch has a range of 1-9999, which up to this
point have been randomly used. This DB would keep track of the used-then
unused numbers.

Even if it would return just the branch/ un-used numbers would be fine. I
just cannot get the Q_Unused query to work. I hope this makes sense.

Vincent Johns said:
I can understand why someone suggested removing the [cust-name] field,
since the Query is apparently supposed to spit out only all the
[Cust-number] values that are not assigned to anybody at all, and which
thus could never have a [cust-name] value attached. Once you attach
such a value, that [Cust-number] would no longer be returned by this Query!

What you do in a Query that displays the account numbers that are in use
is a whole nother story, of course; you might want to look at various
kinds of information related to your existing accounts.

I still don't understand what you want your Query to do (beyond that
which you've already described). If you've already solved the problem,
that's great, but if not, others and I will be happy to advise you further.

-- Vincent Johns <[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.

We have 24 Branches, with 40 or so Sub-branches. Each customer is assigned a
Cust-number. I need to see accross all the branches that have a number
asssigned to them and then what is left over. The way it's done now is a
biller will assign by random a number. I need to track what numbers are used
and unused. Each branch starts at between 1-9999. I had customer name in this
query at first, but it was suggested to remove it. What you see in the
original post or query did not include the customer name field. This is were
it was sugested to remove the cust-name field. I hpe this makes since. Thanks


OK, I see the Queries, but what do they do that you don't like, or fail
to do that you want them to do? Can you post a concise example of what
you'd like to see? (By "concise", I'm thinking of something like
replacing the "<>0" in [Q_9999] by "<20", and setting the branch numbers
to all be less than 20, and including just 2 or 3 branches, for the
purposes of this illustration.) Showing how these Queries produce
results different from what you want would go a long way toward helping
identify & solve the problem.

BTW, in [Q_Unused], I don't understand why you would use

SELECT ..., [NAMEADDR].[co-number] FROM ...

when you require [NAMEADDR].[co-number] to always be null. You
shouldn't ever see a non-blank value in that field.

-- Vincent Johns <[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.

tmaxwell wrote:

These are the queries, I tried not to cluttter it up to much:

[1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10+[1].number AS [Number]
FROM [tbl 0-9] AS 1000, [tbl 0-9] AS 100, [tbl 0-9] AS 10, [tbl 0-9] AS 1,
[tbl 0-9]
WHERE ((([1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10+[1].number)<>0))
ORDER BY [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10+[1].number;


SELECT [Branches].[Branch], [Q_9999].[Number]
FROM Branches, Q_9999
ORDER BY [Branches].[Branch], [Q_9999].[Number];

SELECT [Q_Combo].[Branch], [Q_Combo].[Number], [NAMEADDR].[co-number]

([Q_Combo].[Number]=[NAMEADDR].[cust-number]) AND

WHERE ((([NAMEADDR].[co-number]) Is Null))

ORDER BY [Q_Combo].[Branch], [Q_Combo].[Number];


I posted this back in November, but I had to stop and build a number of
Financial Reports in VB so I put this off to the side. Now I really need to
finish this DB. I’ve tried to write this quite a few number of ways, but none
worked all the way. I will post the original question and the response I got
that is close.

This is the original post:

I took my main table NameAddr this file contains all of our customers with
assigned customer numbers. Each of the 14 branches has a range of usage
between 1 and 9999. Branch 01 only uses 1680 that leaves 8319 number
assignable. I created a 1-9999 table and right joined them, this should give
me all the numbers “USED†and all the numbers LEFT OVERâ€

SELECT NAMEADDR.[co-number] AS Branch, NAMEADDR.[cust-number] AS
CustomerNumberAssinged, CustomerN.CustomerNumbers



WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number])<>"Is Not Null" And
WHERE NAMEADDR.[co-number] Is Not Null And
NAMEADDR.[co-number] Not IN("02","06","07","08","14","15",)

ORDER BY [NAMEADDR].[co-number], [NAMEADDR].[cust-number];

This did not work correctly, I still need the UNUSED numbers per BRANCH. I
response I got (which I will list below) is close, but I get a mis-matched
expression. I pulled it apart to see what was not working, but nada. The
first two queries work fine, it's the Q_Unused that is still getting an
error. Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

Here is the response:

Piggybacking on Marshall's clever idea of using the Cartesian product of
a small Table with itself, I define a Table containing only 10 numbers:

[tbl 0-9] Table Datasheet View:


I also have a Table that specifies the maximum number of accounts at
each Branch. (I changed Branch "01" from 1680 to 998 to make the
example work better. You should set them to whatever is correct.)

[Branches] Table Datasheet View:

Branch NumberOfAccounts
------ ----------------
01 998
02 997
03 500
04 74

And we have the Table of existing, and thus unavailable, account numbers
at each Branch. I have included only two Branches, to make the example
more concise:

[NAMEADDR] Table Datasheet View:

co-number cust-number
--------- -----------
01 993
01 995
01 996
02 991
02 995

Now we create a Query to list all 9999 possible customer numbers for any
Branch, including those that may be in use:

[Q_9999] SQL:

SELECT [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10
+[1].number AS [Number]
FROM [tbl 0-9] AS 1000, [tbl 0-9] AS 100, [tbl 0-9] AS 10,
[tbl 0-9] AS 1
WHERE ((([1000].[number]*1000+[100].[number]*100+[10].[number]*10
ORDER BY [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100

(I expect that this occupies considerably less space than a
10,000-record Table.) As you might expect, the contents are kind of
boring, and I've omitted most of them here:

[Q_9999] Query Datasheet View:


Now I define a Query that lists all of the possible account numbers for
each Branch, up to the limit specified in [Branches].[NumberOfAccounts]:

[Q_Combo] SQL:

SELECT Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number
FROM Branches, Q_9999
((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND
And (Q_9999.Number)=990
ORDER BY Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number;

The lines "((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND "
and "And (Q_9999.Number)=990"
are included ONLY to make the example shorter. You need to erase both
lines from this SQL. This Query lists account numbers up to 998 for
Branch "01" and up to 997 for Branch "02", omitting the other numbers
and Branches. The complete list, now, looks like this:

[Q_Combo] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 993
01 994
01 995
01 996
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 991
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 995
02 996
02 997

Now we're ready to list the unused ones. We define one more Query:

[Q_Unused] SQL:

SELECT Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number
ON (Q_Combo.Branch = NAMEADDR.[co-number])
AND (Q_Combo.number = NAMEADDR.[cust-number])
WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number]) Is Null))
ORDER BY Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number;

and -- voilá -- we have what I think you asked for, a list of all the
account numbers (up to the maximum allowed for each Branch) that are not
already listed in [NAMEADDR]:

[Q_Unused] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 994
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 996
02 997

Notice that account 995 is not listed for either Branch, but 993 is
listed for Branch "02".

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