Help with chart




I have a table which has a field for offer numbers. for
each offer there are several resources that will be used
for that order during a specific period of time. So there
are two fields "From" and "To" which are date field and is
the period in which those resources will be in used. So if
offer A use resources x,y,z during a period T specified by
the fields "from" and "to" then if offer B needs resources
x,y,z offer B should be programmed in a period T1
different from period T of offer A (because offer A will
be using the resources) if offer C needs resources b,c,d
it can be programmed in period T because there's no
resource overlapping.
What i've been asked to do is a form with a chart that
shows a graph with all the offers and the dates for each
offers so it can be easily view if there's a resource
overlapping and can also be easily programmed new dates
for new comming offers avoiding overlapping.
all the data is provided by one table.
How can i make this chart? I have been trying with the
chart wizard but i just don't know how to do it.

Example fields:

OfferNo. From To
100001 22/01/2003 31/01/2003
100002 24/01/2003 26/01/2003
100003 10/01/2003 02/02/2003


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