Help with code please



I am wondering if there is any way to convert this code,
It looks up a value in a cell and then it checks for the corresponding name
in another column.

How can I change this code to put all the matches in 1 listbox.

here is the code

Dim ans

On Error Resume Next

TextBox1.Text = Sheet2.Range("ab2").Value

ans = Application.Match(CLng(TextBox1.Text ), Range("L:L"), 0)
If Not IsError(ans) Then

Label3.Caption = Application.Index(Range("b:b"), ans)

end if

how do i change the second part to fill if more than 1 match and then fill a
listbox with the answers




I have a similar program to check the existance of certain parameters in a
data file. I push the parameters that fail into an array and display them
later in a section of the worksheet. Maybe you can put an array into your

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