I need this code revised so I can import excel files from any drive to my
"IDRa" table rather than opening it which is what it does now. This is from
Dev Ashish's example explorer97 datrabase I got off of MVP website. I am
not an access expert. I need very basic help with code below...Thanks
Private Sub lbxFiles_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim varRet
Dim stPath As String
If mstPath = vbNullString Then
stPath = Left$(Me!lbxFolders, Len(Me!lbxFolders) - 1)
stPath = mstPath & "\" & Me!lbxFolders
End If
varRet = fHandleFile(stPath & "\" & Me!lbxFiles, WIN_NORMAL)
End Sub
"IDRa" table rather than opening it which is what it does now. This is from
Dev Ashish's example explorer97 datrabase I got off of MVP website. I am
not an access expert. I need very basic help with code below...Thanks
Private Sub lbxFiles_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim varRet
Dim stPath As String
If mstPath = vbNullString Then
stPath = Left$(Me!lbxFolders, Len(Me!lbxFolders) - 1)
stPath = mstPath & "\" & Me!lbxFolders
End If
varRet = fHandleFile(stPath & "\" & Me!lbxFiles, WIN_NORMAL)
End Sub