Help with Combination Function


Santhosh Mani

I want to list down all possible combinations of sizes from a size list. We
produce Paper Rolls in a specified size ie; 161 inch. We receive cusomer
orders in small sizes. So I want to know which sizes could be combined to
slice the Big roll to avoid maximum loss. For eg I have orders for 8 sizes,
say 31, 35, 39, 41, 45, 55, 57, 59 inches. If I could calculate the
combination of these 8 sizes with 1 to 8 items (with the formula -
=COMBIN(8,1)+=COMBIN(8,2)+=COMBIN(8,3)+ =COMBIN(8,4) so on) I am getting a
result of total 255 combinations. How can I get all these 255 combinations
list down in different row? If I get that result, I can filter the
combinations which match beween 159 and 161 inches.

I want a flexible solution where number of sizes could be varied all the
time, here in this example 8 sizes with combination of 1 to 8 items, so the
formula should be flexible to calculate n sizes with combination of 1 to n
items. I hope my question is clear and it will be very helpful if one could
help me with this. Thanks in advance for your valued solution.

Bob Phillips

Do a Google group search on 'combinations permutations' with 'Larson' as the
author Myrna has posted many solutions to this.


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

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