any control may be bound or unbound.
Bound means it has the name of a field in the form's record source and will
show the data in the field it is bound to and it will allow the user to enter
a value that will then be updated in the table. The control's Control Source
property is used to bind the control to a field.
Unbound means the control is not associated with a data field. The Control
Source property can also be used for unbound controls to show a calculated
value. For example, say you have a field in your table named [DueDate] and
it is bound to a control on your form named txtDueDate and you want to show a
"Last Day of Grace" that is 5 days after the due date. You would not store
that in the table, but use a calculated control that would display it for the
user. You would use its Control Source like this:
=DateAdd("d", 5, txtDueDate)
So, whether you bind your controls depends on how you want to use them. A
Combo box is best used for two situations. One where you want to allow users
to enter only values from a specificied list and the value selected will be
stored in the table. The other is when you want to provide a user the
ability to search for a specific record in the form's recordset.
For entering value in a table, you would use a bound combo box. For
searching for specific records, you would use an unbound combo box.
Normally you would not load a value in a control unless there is a specific
reason to do so. The issue with a bound combo box is that the normal
behaviour when opening a form is for it to show the first record in the
form's recordset (the recordset is defined in the form's record source
property). So, if you set a specific value in a bound combo box, you will be
changing the value in the record. This is probably not what you want to do.
Entering a value in a combo used for searching for a record is unncessary,
but in some cases it is done for a reason. For example, I have some forms
where the filtering for the form is based on values in several different
combos, so they all need to have some value in them to get the correct
records in the form's recordset.
But for a direct answer to your question of how, if you are fairly new to
Access and not comfortable using VBA, I would suggest you start with a Macro.
Macros do actions. When you want to populate a control on a form, you use a
SetValue action. Then in the boxes at the bottom of the macro builder, you
enter the name of the form and the control on the form and the value you want
to put in it. The easy way to do this is while in design view of your form,
open the properties dialog and be sure the form is selected. Select the
Events tab. Click on the small button with 3 dots to the right of the text
box for On Load. Form the list that pops up, select Macro Builder. Build
the Macro and save it. Now when you load the form, the value will
automatically appear in the combo.
Thank you but I'm new with using Access and Im not exactly sure how to do
what your saying correctly. The combobox's are unbound should they be bound
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