Help with correcting writing a formula




I would like some help with a formula that i am trying to create on my
spread sheet. The formula needs to countif a specific set of data is reached.
So far i have an array formula working that counts if 2 specific names are

I.e. =COUNT(IF((D21:D208="Office name")*(E21:E208="Not Offered"),K21:K208))

What i want to do now is keep the original part with the office name but
then have it count if a value in column I21:I208 is >0 and <=2.

Not sure if this can me done and really would appreciate some help

Many thanks for your time.


try sumproduct()



Thank you all so much for your help, i tried with the sum product but that
did not seem to work so i tried using some of your information and my
original formula to try this


However, it still does not seem to increment the count even when all the
arguments are true, probably me doing something very wrong, not very good
with these complicated formulas.

Don Guillett

This is a NON array entered formula that will count using your criteria

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