Help with counting items by report section?



Help with counting items by report section?

Current Situation

Here's the report hierarchy I group by Region and Vehicle:

Region header and footer(can have many trucks)
Vehicle ID header and footer
Detail (this reports the date in, date out, job#, days utilized,
and percent utilization.

I need to the utilization rate by region and don't understand what I
can and cannot do to count the number of vehicles in each region. When
I try to use count() formulas, I keep getting a count of the
transactions, but not the vehicles.

Can I set up a text box to use as a counter, so that each time the
report is on a different truck ID, I can add 1 to the count, and use
the counter to count the trucks (not the transactions)?

It seems that the text box values I create are not 'seen' when I
attempt to count the trucks.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've used counters in the past
successfully for the 'detail' section, not the other sections.

Thanks for looking!

Marshall Barton

Gdareos said:
Help with counting items by report section?

Current Situation

Here's the report hierarchy I group by Region and Vehicle:

Region header and footer(can have many trucks)
Vehicle ID header and footer
Detail (this reports the date in, date out, job#, days utilized,
and percent utilization.

I need to the utilization rate by region and don't understand what I
can and cannot do to count the number of vehicles in each region. When
I try to use count() formulas, I keep getting a count of the
transactions, but not the vehicles.

Can I set up a text box to use as a counter, so that each time the
report is on a different truck ID, I can add 1 to the count, and use
the counter to count the trucks (not the transactions)?

Use a text box (named txtRunCount)in the vehicle header or
footer section. Set its ControlSource expression to =1 and
RunningSum property to Over Group.

Then your region footer text box can display the count of
vehicles by using the expression =txtRunCount


Thanks very much!! This worked just perfect, and the variable was
available for my calculations.

I'm much obliged and grateful.

You really helped me out!


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