Help with Crazy Lookups



Hello folks.
I have a pretty tough Excel puzzle that I hope you guys can help m
decode. I created a Web query that downloads Yahoo Fianance's Analys
Estimates for any given stock.

I need it to extract most of the data from the "Revenue Est" table
Sounds easy, but the location of the data might change after a refresh
So it sounds like a I need to do some sort of lookup... Also sound
easy, but there is a table very similar to my "Revenue Est" tabl
("Earnings Est") that is making it hard to do a lookup. Also, my quer
automatically merges cells, so I'm a tad thrown off by that too.

It's kinda hard to explain, so it might be easiest to check out m
attachment to see exactly what I need. Please note the "web query" an
"ideal output" worksheets.

I am using Excel for Mac. I do not have the "New Web Query" option lik
I do in my Windows verison, so I guess I'm stuck using a iqy file an
crazy lookups. I would greatly appreciate a push in the right directio
to figure out the crazy lookups.

Thank you guys so much for any help/advice.

|Filename: help!.zip

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