Help with creating query with multiple tables/queries


scott munkirs

Hi again

I have a query problem that I know probably has a simple solution bu
for the life of me I can get it

Here is my situation: I am creating a employee payroll database (sinc
I cannot find any good templetes on the net... Got an idea where
could find one? ) I have all the tables set up so on Saturday o
every week my managers will put in hrs worked, the percentage fo
salesman and Incentive for other salesman

Here is my problem tho: for the query to return all 6 employees I mus
have data in each table (time sheet, percentage, and Incentive) eve
if they did not have any amount for said week. So in an example: dat
used would be 8-13-05... If employees 1 thru 6 worked and got all
percentage and incentive for that week the query returns all 6 name
with the proper data.... BUT say employee 1, 2 , 3 ,4 got percentag
but NOT incentive and employee 5 and 6 got incentive NOT Percentage
the query will be blank!!! If I put 0 in the data fields so th
query thinks I have data for each employee then it works

I would like to find a way for the query to return all 6 employee
eventhough they may not have data entered in all 3 tables for sai

If confused, please Email me (e-mail address removed) and I could send you th
database for your evualation


Douglas J. Steele

You need to use Left Joins between your Employee table and the others.

If you're designing the query through the GUI, right-click on the line
between tables, select "Join Properties" and choice whichever of the 2nd or
3rd option makes sense for your situation.

scott munkirs


Thanks for the answer but I still cannot get it to work doing you
suggetion. If I join say just the employeeID for table 1 and 2 bu
not 3 I get triple records per employee (which I understand why) bu
if i join all 3 tables (employee ID) I get blank query in return.


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