Jason Crandall
I'm trying to create custom stationery for out-going mail
forms at my company. Microsoft word is my default mail
editor and I've found the available "Themes" in Microsoft
word, but is it possible to create a custom theme in Word
or import custom stationery some other way into Outlook?
In addition to all Office products, we have the Adobe
Creative Suite Premium products (Illustrator, InDesign,
Pagemaker, etc.). Tips or guidance on getting the company
logos in Outlook e-mail backgrounds/stationery would be
greatly appreciated (either as a posted reply to this
message or an e-mail). Thanks a lot!
forms at my company. Microsoft word is my default mail
editor and I've found the available "Themes" in Microsoft
word, but is it possible to create a custom theme in Word
or import custom stationery some other way into Outlook?
In addition to all Office products, we have the Adobe
Creative Suite Premium products (Illustrator, InDesign,
Pagemaker, etc.). Tips or guidance on getting the company
logos in Outlook e-mail backgrounds/stationery would be
greatly appreciated (either as a posted reply to this
message or an e-mail). Thanks a lot!