Help with database objects


Mike Busch

I have 2 created a large databases, with in the database is the main table
with voters name address city blah blah plus their party affiliate. I have
created queries for all the individual streets within a ward. In my ward we
have aprox 35 streets, but in a friends ward there is as many as 65. I have
created queries for all these streets, along with duplicate queries for a
particular affiliate. This is all for campaigning. Did I need to make so many
queries; I am making the same amount of reports and Forms also. If I need
this many, is there an easier way to copy a query, report, and form other
than opening and changing the data resource and title. Any help would be

Rick B

I can not imagine why you would need all those objects. Unfortunately, you
don't tell us what you are trying to do with the data, so we really can't
tell you if that structure is correct.

You can group and sort by street and even break the pages there.

You'd have to tell us what you need to DO before we can tell you how.

Rick B

Brendan Reynolds

No, you don't need a separate query for each street. You can use one
parameter query for all streets. Something like ...

SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE NameOfStreet = [Name of Street?]

When you run this query (or a report bound to this query) a dialog will be
displayed with the text that you entered between the square brackets as the
prompt, and a text box for the user to enter their response. The text they
enter will then be used as the criteria for the query.

Check out these online resources on the subject ...

Mike Busch

Sorry I was so vague. I have a database with 2200 records that I want to
print out reports of the names addresses and affiliates of the voters on
those streets. So if I have
Jane Dow (address) (city) (state) (zip) and affiliate, I need to separate
the users by streets, then by streets and a particular affiliates. This is
needed to go and campaign per party for petitions to get on the ballot. I
obviously did it the long way using 130 queries which listed all 65 streets
and then one that listed 65 streets and a certain affiliate for the streets.
I need for her to look at the form, and be able to print both all the voters

Douglas J. Steele

You could simply have a report that printed all of the users, grouping them
as desired. You can set the groups to start on new pages.

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